Thursday, January 01, 2009

Murder by Numbers

If we're truly interested in solutions, we can't forget to look at race--not as a cause of violent crime, but as an indicator of urban populations most directly affected by and responsive to a continuing history of destructive government policies. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column may not win me many friends.

Tell yours?

Fear Control

Understanding the mechanics of adrenalin greatly lessens its impetus. The shock factor of adrenalin can be scarifying if you do not understand or expect it, rendering many frozen in the face of an ensuing attack. [More]
Read this. Bookmark it if you can't read it now. I've only had time to scan it, but I'm going back to give it the attention it appears to deserve later today.

[Via cycjec]

We're the Only Ones Touching You in Special Ways Enough

A San Jose police officer was arrested Tuesday afternoon on charges that he sexually touched an 18-year-old woman while he was on duty. [More]
There's a difference between being Touched by an Angel and Touched by an Only One...?

[Via Jason R]

Dangerous People

Paul Helmke added, "We should not be making it easier for dangerous people to carry concealed firearms in our parks." [More]
I guess he means you and me. Because he knows damn well the change does nothing to enable those who have been adjudicated dangerous, which I guess makes him a...uh...liar.

Head on over there and consider educating that crowd in "comments"--so far, it's running three-to-one against "our" side.

I note Anne Reich Lane continues in her capacity as Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst spokeswretch.

Talk about dangerous people...

Irena Sendler vs Al Gore

This is over half-a-year old, but the message is timeless. [More]

What messed up priorities the globalensozialistische* (Glozis?) have.

Now might not be a bad time to do something to support JPFO...

[Via Avg Joe]

* Is that how you'd say it?

A School Near You

Duncan has a pretty extensive history of using his position as head of the CPS to push for ever more draconian forcible citizen disarmament laws. [More]
Armed and Safe tells us about the kind of change The Lightworker is hoping to bring to American schools.

We're the Only Ones Irreconcilable Enough

A retired state trooper assigned to the Thruway shot and killed his estranged wife early Wednesday morning and then took his own life, State Police said. [More]
What--not one of those better-than-us retired "Only Ones" qualifying for nationwide concealed carry?
Cotto had been arrested on misdemeanor charges for unlawful imprisonment in the second degree, menacing in the second degree and harassment in the second degree... At the time of his arrest, State Police secured all weapons known to be in Cotto’s possession... At the time of the murder/suicide incident, Cotto was in violation of an order of protection...
Whew, that's a relief! Thank goodness the system worked!

The Loaded Automatic Handgun

They said they found the loaded automatic handgun in the car... [More]
Say, how about that accompanying photograph of the S&W revolver...?

Another thing the WKTV News "Authorized Journalists" didn't tell us is if the arrested people committed any offense aside from not being "Only Ones."

We're the Only Ones Stalk Radio Enough

Former DPS officer walks into KLBJ-AM with gun [More]
"Hi Jeff. Long-time listener, first-time assailant..."

KLBJ-590 Austin: The "Only One" on your AM dial...

[Via Avg Joe]

Greenfield Tries

The Greenfield City Council is proposing an ordinance that would ban city employees from bringing guns to work. [More]
Rules and signs. What could go wrong?

I love the headline: "Greenfield tries..."

What did Master Yoda say about "There is no try..."?

Why free men should allow the hysterics of Fargo extras like Theodore Turnham, and Steve and Leonard Jankowski to lay claim on their rights is beyond me... And "Authorized Journalist" Chris O'Connell manages to get just that right concerned crusader inflection for our welfare into his act, doesn't he?

What any of them are prepared to do should someone with evil in his heart ignore their stupid little sign is beyond them--but any climate where you have to bundle up like that is the wrong place to be wetting yourself.

"Drop-Off" the new "buy back." [More]
Griffin and other church leaders will be collecting guns on Saturday at the Gateway Mall. The new Gun Drop-off program replaces the Gun Buyback.

The buyback program stopped because there was no more funding.
And we know how well that does...

It's like watching one of those cheap battery-driven walking toy animals that get stuck in a corner--they keep going through the motions but they get nowhere, and all they do is make distracting noises until they run down completely.

They'll do anything but consider the truth...