Monday, January 26, 2009

A Capitol Offense

After being deadlocked twice, a D.C. Superior Court jury yesterday acquitted a Marine amputee on felony charges of gun possession stemming from an arrest while he was on the way to Walter Reed Army Medical Center. [More]
A lot of people are expressing outrage over this--as well they should.

I think this happening to anyone is an outrage. And it will continue until all juries deadlock everywhere.

[Via Bob H]

We're the Only Ones Phony Enough

Seconds after BART police officer Johannes Mehserle shot and killed Oscar Grant, police immediately began confiscating cell phones containing videos that have yet to see the light of day. In fact, the only videos that have been seen by the public were filmed by people who managed to leave the scene before police confronted them. [More]
This is posted under the title "Do police have the right to confiscate your camera?"

No, but as long as they're the "Only Ones," they have the power...

[Via Avg Joe]

The Idiots Hall of Fame

Oregon Firearms Federation puts on a show. [More]

We're the Only Ones Highly Irregular Enough

Hill made a police officer a regular citizen inside the courthouse. [More]
But no more, thank goodness. Now, they're once more extra-special elite "Only Ones."

And sorry guys--if they get in trouble there, that lady in Atlanta won't be able to help...

[Via Jason M]

Answer a Question for Me

Atlanta Woman Uses Stun Gun To Help Officer In Distress [More]
Read the whole story. Once you have, I have a question.

Would you have done this? Why or why not?

[Via Tony G]

Drug War Victims

Most of us are victims of it. We pay for it, both in treasure and in lost freedoms. These people just paid a higher price--but one that can be extracted from us at any time by its beneficiaries. [More]

[Via Whose Paranoid]

Causes and Necessity

An interesting resource...

I cited the declaration here, which many of you have probably not seen. Go ahead and read it--I'll still be here when you get back.

[Via Carl S]

We're the Only Ones Adolescent Enough

A 14-year-old boy was charged with false impersonation of a police officer after entering a South Side police station in full uniform Saturday and “reporting for duty.” [More]
A proto-Chi-Town "Only One"...

And those in the know don't think station vulnerabilities are a fluke...

[Via An Illinois Voter]

Redbook Heroes

Yeah, right, we're going to let these rich socialist dilettante broads disarm us. Ol' Abby Spangler really comes off with some attitude, doesn't she?

Solution one, of course, is to not buy "Redbook." Activists know this already, and realize that women's magazines as a rule are subversive diversions designed to promulgate an agenda by influencing mass behaviors. Of course, the same can be said for Oprah, or The View...

But we might be surprised how many Fuddwives eat this crap up.

Another solution would be to pick a sponsor and start a boycott campaign. But this is one case where I have to agree with the "political capital" theory--there are much more important targets to focus resources on than these privileged dimwits.

I still would like someone to show up at a "lie in" with a portable ramp, a motorcycle and an Evel Knievel outfit...


We're the Only Ones Who Got Your Goat Enough

Police in Nigeria are holding a goat handed to them by a vigilante group, which said it was a car thief who had used witchcraft to change shape.

A police spokesman in Kwara State has been quoted as saying that the "armed robbery suspect" would remain in custody until investigations were over. [More]
Hey, we shouldn't laugh. Look how many people in this country still believe "Only Ones" have some kind of special magic making them more trustworthy to bear arms than "regular people."

For the Children (Part Two)

My bottom line? If Obama wants "childproof guns," let's see him mandate them for his Secret Service protection detail first. I'll still be against the idea, but at least we'll see he actually believes in a technology he would impose on you and me. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column picks up where we left off on Friday...

One of the commentator yesterday said he saw a link on Craigs List--yeah, I've been putting them there, in the "Politics" section. It depends on the city, because in some, the antis don't believe it's a legitimate political discussion to have, so they're flagging them and getting them removed. But I persist in doing what I can behind the scenes to make this a success, from Digg, to Facebook to I hope when I ask for a hand spreading the word, WarOnGuns regulars will continue giving me a hand.

And if you missed the column over the weekend, I did several posts. The one I want to call special attention to pretty much tops off my arguments on the Eric Holder threat.

Hey--we have a new Gun Rights Examiner in Charlotte, Paul Valone. I've linked to his column in the box below, along with the other guys.

UPDATE: At this time (11:24 AM EST) my Gun Rights Examiner column #2 in the "Politics' category, but not even in the top 5 for "National." Those spots go to Crime, Early Childhood Parenting, Beatles, Pro Wrestling and Astrology, respectively.

Check out the latest from other Gun Rights Examiners:

This Day in History: January 26

January 26, 1777

The Provincial Congress of South Carolina approves a new constitution and government for the province. The legislature is now the General Assembly of South Carolina; the group elects John Rutledge as President, Henry Laurens as Vice President, and William Henry Drayton as Chief Justice.[More]