Tuesday, November 03, 2009

We're the Only Ones Discounted Enough

About half of Thailand's national lawmakers are taking advantage of a new government plan allowing them to purchase guns at a discount and receive a license to carry them anywhere, an official said Monday. [More]
I don't suppose an "Onry Ones" crack would be considered PC...?

And if you're not in the government's employ, what then?

Is a puzzlement!

Update on Hamblen vs US‏

From Richard Hamblen:
Oral arguments set for 4 Dec in the Sixth Circuit.
More information from WarOnGuns...

We're the Only Ones Confined Enough

A senior enlisted Marine at Camp Pendleton was sentenced today to a reduction in rank and 60 days confinement after a court martial found him guilty of removing classified documents from files and possessing an unauthorized machine gun. [More]
May I ask why the sentences for Wayne Fincher and David Olofson were so much more severe?

And will anyone from LASD be prosecuted for receiving stolen classified documents?

[Via Tom Z]

Jumping the Shark

WRSA has some exclusive photos. [More]


We're the Only Ones Privately Secure Enough

Johnny Augustus Baltazar, 50, is accused of illegally shipping 10 handguns and 1,500 rounds of ammunition to the Central American nation of Belize, where he owns a private security company. [More]
How anyone working for the LAPD could ever get the idea that they are the "Only Ones" authorized to have guns is beyond me.

Where could he have ever come up with a crazy idea like that?

Anti-Defamation League Defames by Innuendo

Here's the thing to keep in mind when ADL spouts off with their fraudulent rhetoric and bluster: It's not people like us who would deny full enfranchisement of all rights, including the right to keep and bear arms, to racial and religious minorities.

It's them. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at how the state worshipers have to resort to manipulation because they've really got nothing else.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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This Day in History: November 3

Washington is informed that a conspiracy is afoot to discredit him with Congress and have him replaced by General Gates. [More]