Saturday, December 26, 2009

Little Boxes

But in the meantime, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence fired off the best line of all, noting archly that each year about 30,000 Americans are already securely locked away in human-size boxes, thanks to guns. [More]
Oh, yeah. Ha ha. Good one, Brady and LA Times. Now fire off one about the victims of human disarmament who don't get boxes. They just get shoved into shallow mass graves, thanks to that monopoly of force you degenerates so wish for other men to enforce on your behalf.

Related: Obama signs bill mandating gun OWNERS to be locked up in boxes on trains

Yes, I Know

My Christmas post is not directing to the right Examiner page. So far, I've seen it route people to the Easy Meals Examiner, the Baltimore Sports Examiner and the San Francisco Christian Examiner. I keep republishing it to make it link to the Gun Rights Examiner "Have a Merry Christmas!" post and get it to work for a while before screwing up again.

It looks like the right url, but the wrong page is displayed. Tech support is working on it.

Let me know if it works for you? I have a comment poster I wanted to call attention to, and it's frustrating not to be able to do that.

You'll know him when you see him.

Tennessee Gun in Park Incident Reveals a Scarier Danger

The truth is, many in the public will remain terrified of seeing someone armed who is not wearing a uniform. It does not matter if you are nicely dressed or if your gun is more conventional-looking--whatever that means. In much of the Republic, hoplophobia runs strong. That you have a gun and are not a cop is enough for some. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column maintains society may be scared of the wrong people.

Also listen to one last Christmas carol, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?

This Day in History: December 26

...2nd. That no non-commissioned officer, or soldier, have with him, arms of any kind, unless he is on duty.

3rd. That every non-commissioned officer, or soldier, caught without the limits of the camp, not having such pass, or with his arms, shall be confined and severely punished...[More]