Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bloomberg Anti-Gun Blueprint Revealed

This is a dangerous and insidious new way of attacking our right to keep and bear arms. It's incumbent on each of us to first read and understand the document, discuss it among ourselves, and come up with a way to defy and resist this. [More]
This development necessitated another Gun Rights Examiner column. The antis will not stop. And they'll use whatever means at hand to attack us, including keeping our representatives out of the loop.

My suggestion: Read it and tell your friends.

New Year's Gun Rights Resolution: Demonstrate for the Second Amendment

This one is meaningful for me. I wrote some years ago about being subjected to insults for presuming to march through Santa Monica, CA as part of the Second Amendment contingent in their Constitution parade--it seems that particular amendment wasn't very welcome in the People's Republic. And I wrote a few years after that about how our local counter-demonstration to the so-called "Million Mom March" in Westwood, CA, only drew several hundreds of supporters--despite an area gun show a few weekends before attracting over 40,000 gun owners. [More]
Suggested resolutions posted to date:

New Year's gun rights resolution: Attend an Appleseed
New Year's gun rights resolution: Know your representatives
New Year's gun rights resolution: Write letters to the editor
New Year's gun rights resolution: Join a gun rights group
New Year's gun rights resolution: Send a politician the gun rights questionnaire
New Year's gun rights resolution: Build a guns and liberty video collection
New Year's gun rights resolution: Take a new person shooting
New Year's gun rights resolution: Read Second Amendment books

New Year's gun rights resolution: Shoot a machine gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Support legal efforts to defend 2nd Amendment
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spread the word on Gun Rights Examiner
New Year's gun rights resolution: Go to a gun show
New Year's gun rights resolution: Boycott an anti-gun company
New Year's gun rights resolution: Buy a gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spend time with your loved ones
New Year's gun rights resolution: Teach your children about guns
New Year's gun rights resolution: Don't spread unverified internet rumors
New Year's gun rights resolution: Get formal training

It Figures Rights Thieves...

...would also have no respect for property. [More]

Click to enlarge

Hey Brady Campaign--that's mine.

Who gave you permission to post it in total on your website? The entire article hardly qualifies as "fair use."

They've reportedly infringed on Howard Nemerov's material, too.

The Government's Attitude...

...is pretty much what we would expect from ruling traitors... [More]

If they're against what the Framers considered as being necessary to the security of a free State, that's what they are, you know...

We're the Only Ones with Reasonable Suspicion of Criminal Activity Enough

"Further, whether or not passers-by saw the gun is immaterial to the question of whether an objective officer who observed Schubert walking in such a manner would possess reasonable suspicion of criminal activity." [More]
Who does this upstart think he is, having a gun in a republic where we've sworn an oath to support the supreme law of the land, which says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed? An "Only One"?

We'll show him.

And in doing so, we'll show you.

[Via Scott N]

Healthy Skepticism

When you're dealing with the government, you'd better have it.

Kurt does.

About that Ammo Shortage...

Winchester secured a Homeland Security contract for up to 200 million rounds of .40 S&W, ammo that will be used by Immigrations, Customs and Enforcement. The load is a 135-grain hollowpoint. No ballistics are available as this load is not yet cataloged, but it will fall under the Winchester Ranger brand. [More]
I'd be interested in knowing the time period/quantities/shipment intervals the contract specifies.

[Via PolyKahr]

Fictional Fallout

Chapter 32 has been noticed.

And I'm one of the redacted.

I'd just as soon have that known.

The Global Sword

We've been talking about the INTERPOL Executive Order Barack Obama recently issued, here and here. It made me recall a post from October where I sarcastically suggested "just give them diplomatic immunity."

Anthony Martin has a hornets' nest going on over at Columbia Conservative Examiner, and I see Bob Unruh at WorldNetDaily is also on the story. The globocop logo they illustrate their column with has a familiar configuration:

Everybody remembers the seal of the evil alternate universe Terran Empire from Star Trek's "Mirror Mirror" episode, right?

Note symbol on turbolift door (click to enlarge)

I'm not the first to notice.

Why Should Gun Owners Support Republicans in Illinois Senate Race?

[W]hat incentive do we give the GOP to ever change if we continually allow them to get away with treating us like political hostages by rewarding them with power? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column presents a question I've been asking for years. I still haven't gotten a good answer, and gun owners still keep electing rotten Republicans out of fear.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?

This Day in History: December 29

George Washington’s words in this letter represent a stirring plea for help at the darkest moment of the American Revolution. As few other documents do, this famous letter illustrates Valley Forge as an icon of American perseverance and resolve in the face of cruel fortune and overwhelming odds. [More]