Friday, January 29, 2010

And Chalk Up Another One...

...for Furious Mike, Ray, Paul, Josh, Rebecca.... [Read]

Good job people! And this time, a gun was used, so you have a hook to exploit in making the case to extend your reach...

Make sure to read "Irwin Mann's" response to "David" in comments.

[Via Qi Ji Guang]


  1. Some idiot named Tom A. made a snotty reply to Irwin, so I flamed him.

  2. straightarrow1/29/2010 3:16 PM

    Here is my reply, it is awaiting "approval". We shall see.

    "A high-level mobilization began immediately. Officers were scouring the area searching for whoever was responsible, Mr. Browne said." -from the article.

    Have looked in the mayor's office? Or in the Police Chief's office. Ultimately they are responsible and are accessories to this murder. They are accessories to all the murders in NYC so long as they keep the citizens disarmed so that they may be killed with impunity by criminals. That is what an accessory does, he enables crime.

    Bloomberg and Kelly enable crime by forcing helplessness on the law abiding..

  3. Re: Straightarrow

    Your comment is approved, and so is Orygunner's.

    My thanks to whoever approved the comments and allowed them to be aired on the NY TIMES. Maybe many people who work deep inside these media agencies are on our side. I hope that is true.


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