Thursday, January 07, 2010

And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions

Aside from law enforcement officers, does anyone really have a valid reason to carry a gun onto a school campus? [More]
Yes, you bleating idiot, we do.

You missed the lesson of "Simple Jack," didn't you?

Don't go "full retard."

Or do. It could work to our advantage.


  1. straightarrow1/07/2010 9:31 AM

    methinks there is some reasoned discourse going on over there. Two comments, both asking where the numbered comments were.

  2. LOL. The "Tropic Thunder" edging was spot on.

  3. What is criminal about peaceably carrying a gun? Nothing. Case closed. Don't need a reason.

  4. Why do LEOs have a valid reason for carrying on campus, if the students don't? Certainly, if students have no need for self protection, the cops don't either, do they?

    Oh, yeah. I forgot. They're the godlike "Only Ones"!
    There I go again, being all "logical" and such. Silly me!

  5. [quote]
    "We just said, 'Nobody brings a gun to school,'" board Vice Chairman...

    Yeah, sure... except for the guy who wants to kill a bunch of people, of course - in a target rich, disarmed victim zone.

    a ban would prevent a legally carried gun from tragically falling into the wrong hands while on school property

    But the criminal is going to bring his own, naturally.

    It's hard to believe people can really be so stupid and still breathe on their own.

  6. "It's hard to believe people can really be so stupid and still breathe on their own."

    My dear lady, I beg to differ.
    I spend the majority of my waking moments surrounded by such excuses for humanity.
    In my rapidly approaching geezerdom, i have reached an inescapable conclusion:
    We are, indeed, outnumbered by fuctards.


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