Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Deja Vu All Over Again?"

The last time ATF was in this position, they raided a religious commune in Texas to "retrieve their reputation." [More]
Vanderboegh thinks the terrain is starting to look familiar.

I sure hope we haven't been going around in a big circle...


  1. Ayup, boss, we are in that circle again, we're just waiting around to see how bad it will be this time. It's been awhile, and folks are pretty much asleep, not to mention distracted by a lot of domestic problems. It's like a bad dream, coming on again.

  2. Their ego's won't let them learn. They keep picking the hot horseshoe up and when the pain finally goes away, and they think nobody is looking, they do it again.

    These people remind me of the shoplifters I used to catch at the costume jewelry counter in a department store where I had an off-duty job. They had the idea that if I wasn't looking directly at them I couldn't see them.

    This time we're looking, but that won't stop them.


  3. The Davidians at Waco were an easy target at the time. A group that splintered from an offshoot sect of the Seventh Day Adventists who are themselves considered heterodox by mainline Protestant Xianity. If the ATF is smart, they'll go after another easily demonized group. If they're still there, maybe that Sunni Separatist group in Michigan will qualify.

  4. Well, They could have had the Mormons but Texas Children's Protective Services beat them to that one last year near San Angelo.


  5. straightarrow1/26/2010 11:03 PM

    Is it Claire Wolfe time yet?


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