Friday, January 15, 2010

Imagine a World Without Guns!

Gangs Armed With Machetes Loot Port-Au-Prince [More]
There was no sign of police or any kind of law and order.
Ah. Any bets they're taking care of their own? And they're armed with more than machetes?


  1. straightarrow1/15/2010 9:13 AM

    Imagine? Why would we have to do that when every Hellhole in the world shows us what it is like. Uganga, Somalia, Mexico, NYC, Chicago, Ca., the UK.and many many more.

    Yet we still have inhuman dregs of slime who insist we should all aspire to such. Do we need any more proof that these alleged people are too dangerous to tolerate?

  2. We can expect the same here I think.


  3. A world without guns? The strong prey upon the weak. Nice world. NOT!

  4. Imagine a world without hippies.


  5. return of the ton-ton macou...

  6. Oh yeah...right, you mere "civilians" hate the police most of the time, and then expect them to magically appear any time trouble comes. Don't you think the professionals in Law Imposement know what they're doing? This questioning of lawful authority could very well damage and/or compromise an ongoing investigation! Why don't you mere mortals stick your heads back in the sand? Just move along and stop questioning your betters. Let the professionals handle the bad guys. If you don't see police there its probably because they're working deep under cover to find out who caused this earthquake in the first place.

    Jeez... "civilians".

  7. Here's an interesting little exercise:

    Take a good look at a closeup picture of the devastation in Haiti - or the room you are currently sitting in (regardless of condition) and see how many potential weapons you can spot.

    With the right attitude and motivation, there are quite a few things I could use to incapacitate or kill a person in this room (aside from the gun on the desk and the one on my hip). I can see hundreds or thousands of them in those pictures.

    So, it would seem that attitude and incentive are at least as important as the weapons. A gun in the hands of a weak, terrified person who could never bear to pull the trigger is far less deadly - and less useful for self defense - than a block of concrete or a chunk or rebar in the hands of someone willingly defending their life or family.

    Let's not get too wrapped up in just the guns... however wonderful and useful they are.

    Now, I just wish there was a way to send those poor people some GUNS too! What a heck of a "care package."

  8. ML, you just made my day. I daresay that if Jeff Cooper were still alive today, he'd give you a big bear hug.

    Yes! Attitude.

    captcha phrase: eceder.


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