Saturday, January 02, 2010

We're the Only Ones Putting More Guns On the Street Enough

According to a Sullivan County Sheriff's Office spokesman, a Remington model 870 12-gauge shotgun and a Bush Master AR-15 were stolen from WCSO Detective Heather Salyer's unmarked WCSO vehicle while parked at a residence between Dec. 23 and Dec. 29. [More]
What, she left guns in the car unattended and unchecked for that long?

I thought the "Only Ones" wanted to "get guns off the street."

The good news is, I know a place where they can be unloaded (pun intended), no questions asked...

[Via Bernie S]


  1. Oh come one! You don't know, you weren't there! By publicizing this you could be compromising an ongoing investigation! Why don't you mere "civilians" shut the hell up and stop questioning your betters!

    Jeez, people go F&^%ing around with the Law and all hell beaks loose.

  2. Why is this bitch running around with a rolling arsenal? 12 ga, AR15, 40 and a 45?

    WTF? No 50 BMG or RPGs?


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