Friday, January 15, 2010

We're the Only Ones Showing Professional Courtesy Enough

"You know, I pull people over for driving 100 mph -- you know what they say? 'I'm a narcotics officer in an unmarked vehicle.' 'Great, well slow it down, have a good night,' " Phinney explained. "As long as they show me a badge, I don't care." [More]
But woe unto you if you're not an "Only One."

What does this expectation of entitlement tell us...?

And just wait 'til her husband the lieutenant finds out she was treated like a commoner!

[Via FFFW]


  1. Her eyes tell me she knows she'll get off. Arrogant, elitist, evil.

  2. I have cited an on duty sheriff's deputy driving an unmarked detective car for speeding in a residential district. But I guess that still makes me no more than just another "only One".

  3. I wouldn't know. Read the definition in the left margin and you tell me.

  4. I've read it as well as the posts here. I haven't made a negative peep at you. Not a single one. Open for debate or is your mind already made up?

  5. Maybe if I knew what you were talking about I could answer your question.

  6. Looking the other way when:

    School teachers are caught having sex with underage students,

    Priests are discovered sexually abusing alter boys,

    Preachers are found hitting on parishioners’ wives,

    Football coaches own up to physically and mentally abusing players,

    LEOs are observed breaking laws they jail citizens for breaking,

    Judges and lawyers engage in promoting perjury in order to get a plea bargain conviction,

    It’s okay. It can all be marked up to ?professional? courtesy.

    What ever happen to the idea of all these people being role models and exhibiting professionalism?


  7. I asked you once if you'd be so kind as to comment on your definition of only ones. You referred me to your blog explanation and then said that basically, the weight of evidence mitigated against the commonly held perception that such malefactors were the exception rather than the rule. The implication (perhaps only to me I readily admit) was that the such inexcusable behavior was the norm. I'd like an opportunity to try and change your mind. If that is not your contention, I sincerely apologize and retract my comments.
    Thank you.

  8. Eric, between comments here and on GRE, emails, social networking, etc., I literally engage in 100 communications a day, so you'll need to give me a break on not remembering that or being able to put it into context when you drop it on me here. The when and where are unimportant though. If you want to do a guest column on your thesis to change not only my mind, but a good many people here, go for it--I'll post it unedited if you feel like fielding the comments. Keep it around 500 words--I figure if I can do a GUNS Magazine column in that limit, you ought to be able to state your case, and much longer loses people's attention.

    Here's the test you'll need to pass with me to get me to change my mind--let me come to whichever city you have jurisdiction on, meet you and then reveal to you I am carrying a concealed handgun and don't have a permit. Will you arrest me?

    If your answer is yes, you're not going to change my mind.

  9. Thank you, that is a gracious offer. Before we get that far I'll answer your question.

    The short answer is "I don't know."
    How can I? The problem with concealed carry without a permit is it's tough to tell the good from the bad at a glance. I don't want felons to carry. I don't want the mentally ill to carry. I do want the law abiding to carry. I'd need the time to do some checking before I'd know. I'm not accusing you of anything, just listing my reasoning. Offhand, I'm inclined to treat such the same as open carry. If you can open carry you can carry concealed as far as I'm concerned. I say this on an open forum. That's the best I can do.
    Better hurry though, I retire on Feb. 5th.

    As for the comment, I was not trying take a cheap shot. I understand you deal with comments and discussion every day and I had no intention of holding you to something said offhand some months ago.

  10. See, that's a problem.

    I'm a felon. Many, many times over. Probably numbering in the thousands over the decades.

    I didn't register my "assault weapon" with the state of California. I carried there permitless for nearly 30 years, including in No Guns zones and post offices and...

    I just was never caught.

    So I'm not law-abiding.

    I am, however, peaceable. Up to the point where I'm justified in not being.

    Back to my question: You know it's me. We've agreed to meet. It's Feb. 4.

    We shake hands and I then confirm I'm carrying illegally. And I'll throw in that we agreed to meet in a school parking lot.

    Your move.

    Now back to the question you first asked: Are YOU an "Only One"?

    Do your local edicts take precedence over the oath to the supreme law of the land, the Constitution, that you freely took without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion?


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