Wednesday, February 03, 2010

About that "Friendlier Face"...

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intends to purchase sixty Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12 gauge pump-action shotguns for the Criminal Investigation Division. The Remington parkerized shotguns, with fourteen inch barrel, modified choke, Wilson Combat Ghost Ring rear sight and XS4 Contour Bead front sight, Knoxx Reduced Recoil Adjustable Stock, and Speedfeed ribbed black forend, are designated as the only shotguns authorized for IRS duty based on compatibility with IRS existing shotgun inventory, certified armorer and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts. [More]
Didn't the feds murder Randy Weaver's wife and son over a barrel that was substantially longer than that?

I'm sure glad this is their friendlier face...

UPDATE: More from Mike...

UPDATE 2: Workman weighs in.

[Via too many of you to credit]


  1. The income tax was sold to the American public back in the 19th century, culminating in the 16th amendment in 1913, because "Only 2% of the American population would ever have to pay the income tax" (You know, only the "extremely wealthy").

    Now we have armed thugs doing the confiscating.

    Anyone interested in how the income tax shakes our liberty to its very core, and what we can do about it should read "The Fair Tax Book: Saying Goodbye to the Income Tax and the IRS" by Neal Boortz and John Linder.

  2. I suggest the scum at the IRS also invest heavily in Medivac choppers, Medics, bandages, and body bags. And a white flag or two.

  3. David,
    As a follow up

  4. Fair tax is a scam.

    You are trading chrome-plated chains for nickel-plated chains, and you might just get to wear both.

    For "liberty."

  5. Anonymous,

    I don't understand your comment. The idea of the fair tax is that you don't have a confiscatory tax system, you pay tax only when you CHOOSE to consume a product. The system would, as Alexander Hamilton mentioned in the federalist papers, self limit taxation as if tax levels ever got too high, people would simply stop consuming.

    Furtermore, the tax rate would be visable to everyone. Most people have no idea what they pay in income taxes due to the withholding system. In fact, studies show many people think the government pays them money because the IRS sends them that nice refund check every year.

    The fair tax (ie a consumption tax) is what our founding fathers invisioned as the most morale tax system, and the abuse and vast increase in the size of the federal government is directly attributable to our confiscatory income tax system.

  6. Pay your taxes or we will send men with guns to take them.

    In any other scenario that would be an aggravated robbery.


  7. "Fair Tax" is a scam because it's robbery. Robbery is immoral and unethical.

    There is, in reality, no difference between "Fair Tax" and what we have now. Fair tax is like saying to the rapist it's okay as long as you wear a condom.

    These armed government thugs are members of the largest organized crime gang in America.

  8. When you call the IRS with a tax question, you have a 50-50 chance of getting a correct answer, but YOU'RE responsible if their wrong advice causes you needless tax overcharges and penalties.
    And they have the power to raid, armed? To kill?
    Sic semper tyrannis.
    Speaking of feds, Sen. Dianne Feinstein was on the news, very concerned that Al Queda might mount an attack on U.S. soil sometime in 2010. BUT... seems she's MORE concerned about the unorganized militia, us American citizens of the moderate libertarian gun-owning variety. Making sure we're nice and disarmed when they start the party.
    Not sorry to disappoint her.

  9. Pat,

    I really believe you would benefit from reading the book I mentioned above, as I don't really think you understand the concept of fair tax.

    Governments will always need to tax, but there are just and unjust ways of doing it.

  10. I like the idea of a fair tax, but it does not promote free markets and capitalism. My point being, when you "pay as you go", ergo, you're taxed on the thing you buy, it is less attractive,because it costs more. Over time, this will cause a lessening of demand, and depress production. People will just naturally gravitate towards things that are taxed less, or little, and govt., being what it is, will just follow them, and start taxing things that move on the market, more. So, you're back to your problem again. When that plays out, govt. will again go after income, to get what it wants. Don't know if there's a solution that would work forever, probably not. An idea would be that any taxes would come up for a plebiscite or review every year. And some sort of recall in place for particulary ornerous people and policies, and bills. I would add that what govt. people do while in office would be transparent for all citizens. Having them removed from office immediately on being charged with a crime that could merit jail might be a good step too.

  11. straightarrow2/04/2010 4:16 PM

    I have raised eight children. And every one of them was told if you ever work for the IRS, in any capacity, even just sweeping their floors, I will disown you and I may well do worse.

    I didn't raise them to be crooks and thugs.


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