Saturday, February 20, 2010

Is 'Gun Group' Giving Cover for Oregon Gun Control?

"What they HAVE done is give cover to the anti-gun politicians who can now say that a 'gun group' supports overturning the progress we made with your help last year." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a resurfaced state gun rights group with a problematic past and present.

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1 comment:

  1. "...Our goal is the preservation of our right as a free people to own and use firearms for legitimate purposes..."

    "...we emphasize and promote responsible and safe ownership of all firearms....we support and fund programs designed to promote gun safety..."

    Isn't this the exact same verbiage used by Ray Shoenke and his Trojan Horse organization? Not to mention Sarah Brady, Paul Helmke, Josh Sugarmann, Wendy Cukier, et al?

    Anytime I see the phrases "gun safety" and "legitimate purposes" used in a gun-related message, my BS detector explodes.


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