Monday, March 15, 2010

Archimedes’ .45

L. Neil Smith takes an ignorant Canadian hoplophobe who's sure he's right (is there any other kind?) to task. [Read]

The personal defenselessness advocate actually made this comment under his own article:
I regard myself as more free than you because I don't need to own a gun to feel safe.
It's about how he feels, you see. And he regards himself as more free because he's not allowed to make the choice for himself...

'nuff said.

There's nothing really you can do with this except understand that if and when the time comes, the cud-chewers' main function will be to serve as predator chow.

Interesting. Even in death, they'll still be giving aid and comfort to the enemies of liberty.

[Via Mike Vanderboegh]

1 comment:

  1. This is the same guy who said that Americans are "tyrannized" (his words) by Constitution and Bill of Rights ("colonial-era artifacts") and we won't be "free" until we reject them.

    Just the kind of drivel I'd expect from a person who lives in a country where private medical care is outlawed, people are brought up before "human rights" tribunals for quoting religious texts, and whose "Charter of Rights of Freedoms" can effectively be revoked at any time by Parliament (see Section 33 aka the "Notwithstanding Clause").

    It sounds as if it is Johnson who is tyrannized and brainwashed by Canada's legacy of British colonial rule and incessant nanny-statism.


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