Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Glass House Dwellers

All kinds of stones are being thrown...[Read]

I love the photo of that pompous little statist punk Bill Maher. If that isn't a window into his soul...

Pat Buchanan has more along these lines.


  1. David,

    Thanks for the link to Mr. Simpson's column. My comment is as follows:

    Col. Cooper said something to the effect of, “Evil is never defeated by running from it.”

    While violence should only be implemented for self defense, this does not require that the bad guy gets the first shot. For the simple reason, he might not miss.

    Threats of violence are easy to make and can be dangerous to those who make them. I have seen more than one dead body whose former occupant made a threat he was unwilling or incapable of achieving and was killed by someone he underestimated.

    Violence, if necessary, should be committed quickly, without threats, with forethought, and without malice, anger, fear, or any other emotion. Acts of violence should be kept within the guidelines of one’s state’s penal code. If somebody needs an a** whupping or killing, by all means one should do what one needs to do. One should do so however in such a manner that one remains free to protect his life, property, and loved ones should another similar occasion arise.


  2. This is a socialist society: socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor – take no stock in the words “liberal” and “conservative”, they are words used to divide us. If those words were removed from our lexicon all together we might be one step closer to a government for the people. A better way to describe the American dichotomy: the people in Seattle, Washington (“liberal”) have a different value systems then the people in Huston, Texas (“conservative”) – geographic depictions of voting trends displays this. You know what the problem is: too big of federal government running too much of our lives – and both “liberal” & “conservative” politicians (what you might call a political Establishment) both favor this. The extremely wealthy make money while the rest of us bicker about the dumbest shit, like who-fucked-who, and Mr. Simpson’s article. The majority of the people in this country have a common enemy, and that enemy is neither “liberal” nor “conservative”.


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