Thursday, March 18, 2010

Making Us All Look Bad

I note Leonard Embody has had his "gun permit" revoked by the local "Only Ones."

An anonymous comment left on my previous Gun Rights Examiner post, that "we're all better off now that he's unarmed," makes me question who actually makes us look worse.

Feel free to add to the discussion there.


  1. There's a heated debate on GPDO about this:

  2. If his permit can be revoked for "following the law" then what about all those other issued permits?

    His methods were entirely legal, and now his permit is revoked for "being a material risk" by making the cops look bad.

    Film at 11, this isn't even close to over yet.

  3. straightarrow3/18/2010 1:38 PM

    We have far too many allegedly on our side who scramble to align themselves with abuse of authority when the opportunity arises. We are shot through (pun intended) fatally with supposed friends who roll over at first hint of confrontation when someone else does something that is perfectly legal, but unusual. We scurry to let it be known that we believe just because ["we can" doesn't mean "we should"]. That seems to be the escape clause in our duty to freedom.

    We find dereliction of our duty to liberty to be preferable to challenging the abuses of the power structure, even when the law must be broken for law enforcement to accost a person who is not breaking the law.

    On this specific topic at blogs around the net I have seen commenter after commenter who claim to be supporters of 2A bemoan the actions of this guy and having no heartburn with law enforcement overstepping.

    I wouldn't do what he did, but I don't skydive either. And guess what, neither are against the law. Nor does either activity actually harm anyone else.

    So what the Hell is this rush to raise our hands and say "Hey officer, look at me. I agree with you. Just go ahead and exceed your authority because you can and we don't like this guy anyway." ?

    Are we really so stupid as to realize that the occupant of the barrel changes regularly and if we tolerate it, someday it will be our turn in the barrel? Are we?

    The answer is YES. We seem to be.

  4. I stuck up for his actions as 100% legal on a few gun forums. I was called names, belittled, yelled at, and plain attacked for doing so. From my experience on those forums, I can only come to the conclusion that many on them are just fuds, not real 2nd Amendment or BOR supporters.

  5. straightarrow3/18/2010 7:31 PM

    They are "Sebastians" they want credit for talking a good gun battle they know they will never fight. and because they know this, they resent anyone who takes an action beyond talking, at risk, to further open up the envelope of our rights. Their egos demand they find fault or else they must admit their self-image is false.

    Better to throw everybody under the bus than admit to inferiority. They actually prefer the equality of slavery to the competition of liberty, if liberty means they are exposed for empty suits they are.

    Axe45, keep it up though. If nothing else, when the shtf we'll know who can't be trusted to not betray.

  6. hmmmm... Link to yields "Invalid Post specified".
    Searching site for "stlcopper" and then for "embody" produce 'no results found'. Looks like they removed any evidence.

  7. The column is several months old--links go away many times.

  8. Update - Search engine may be broken at that site.
    Here's the link:

  9. Leonard Embody was NOT breaking the law and WAS in compliance with it.

    Martin Luther King "supposedly" made black people look bad when he LEGALLY protested and was UNLAWFULLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY attacked by racist cops with fire hoses, dogs, and battons. We all know the final and ultimate price he paid.

    Civil Rights ARE NATURAL BORN RIGHTS we are endowed with by our CREATOR at birth.

    The right to protect ourselves is one of those NATURAL BORN RIGHTS.

    Either support Leonard Embody, the second amendment, and our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS or jump in line with the rest of the "gun rights" and "law and order" HYPOCRITS.

    Embody made the choice to be the untimely "tip of the spear"......when TYRANT NANNY STATE government attacks him and gets away with it........who and what is NEXT???

    Ben Franklin summed up this issue VERY NICELY when he made the below statement at the signing of the Declaration of Independence:

    "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

    How quickly some shrink from their "Constitutional Values" when put to the test.

    How many will let Leonard Emboy "hang separately"???

    Defiance III-per


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