Monday, March 29, 2010


Times Herald editor Stan Huskey gives his "2 cents" worth.

He presents himself as the voice of moderation--which means he's another big "but" 2A fraud.

Looks like he's fallen for the VPC "assault weapons" lie--either that or he knows damn well what he's doing.

Ditto he seems ignorant about just who would be immune to stolen gun reporting requirements...

"2 cents?" That seems a bit high for what is either nonsense or deception.

I want my money back.


  1. While Stan goes a long way to refute Thomasson's rant, he contradicts himself, to wit: he cannot understand why the NRA is adamant(?) about not outlawing AK47s (the machine gun canard again). Yet, he says "If owning a gun makes me happy, shouldn't I have the right to own one?"

    Well, Stan, what if the gun you want IS an AK47, or semi-auto variant? Sorry. You can't. The infringement of the Second Amendment you so happily embrace says so.

    BTW, why are you so adamant about the First Amendment? Surely, you can work with a manual printing press. You don't need all that fancy internet stuff, do you? Wait, you demand the gov't keep it's hands off that? Then demand that all gov'ts keep their paws off the 2A as well, or you're just another hypocrite.

  2. straightarrow3/29/2010 12:25 PM

    just another under-educated over schoolified tool.

    He thinks the 2A is about hobbies? He doesn't understand the "military weapons" angle? Too much time around smart people who ironically don't know a damn thing.

  3. It's like a poorly-executed Third Way template. You know the template:

    I support [some liberty], but I think that [all manner of exclusions to the exercise of said liberty, rendering it useless].

    I think this guy goes in the hasn't-really-thought-about-it column.


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