Friday, March 12, 2010

Proof of Weapons Movement Between US and Mexico?

Perhaps we've been focusing on the wrong people:
The Zapata County sheriff Thursday was questioning why a Mexican military helicopter was hovering over homes on the Texas side of the Rio Grande. [More]
Are there standard armaments on Mexican military helicopters, either mounted or carried aboard?

So why aren't we demanding that they surrender so we can make sure they weren't illegally armed--particularly with automatic weapons-- a federal felony in the US unless they've registered their weapons and paid the tax...?

A US citizen would be facing serious prison time--and fleeing across the border to escape would result in extradition back to face charges.

And so what if our "military was informed"? Does our government maintain that invading Mexican government employees deserve preferential treatment over US citizens?

[Via Skip]


  1. "Does our government maintain that invading Mexican government employees deserve preferential treatment over US citizens?"

    I don't see why not. After all, our government believes that Mexican citizens here illegally deserve preferential treatment. Why shouldn't they confer special privileges to their military as well?

  2. Pancho Villa is alive and well.

    Where are men like; Lee, Jackson, Johnston, Pershing,and Patton along with a government that would back them up when we really need them?


  3. Not only are Lee,Jackson,Pershing and Patton all dead, the backbone has been pulled out of most of their heirs, and the ideas of liberty crushed in schools, govt. and everyday life. But hell, let's not DO anything. Because, you know, it's not ti.... oh, sorry, I become repetitive. In other news, I've got a spot all picked out for myself in a barbed wire enclosure to be erected soon. What was that one about the man who feared drowning and resolved not to go into the water until he had learned to swim............

  4. Why wasn't an F-16 jet not scrambled and this sonofabitch not blown up where it hovered???

    Until we take out the trash it will not ever matter who becomes POTUS. Palin, Huckleberry, McShame, Obozo or anyone else do not have the power and the backbone to shut off the southern border.

    Newark, Ohio

  5. Come on and wake up people. ALL governments are on the same side- the side of oppression and coercion. The side that is against you and me. The sooner you realize that fact, the sooner you can get on with your life. No government anywhere deserves anything other than a glob of your spit directed at them and their symbols.

  6. Surely, the CIA must 'know' something about the illegal transfer of fully automatic firearms sent to Latin American in exchange for cocaine.

  7. I wouldn't be too thrilled to have any country's military helicopters hovering over my backyard!

    Even if they didn't have automatic-fire arms.

    Or they they didn't fire on me.

    Or if they weren't actually mounted to the helicopter. (maybe only handheld...)



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