Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Risk Management, Bold Republican-Style

Why...nobody told us there's be risks... [Read]

I trust nobody thought their howls of protests were calculated to do anything but give them a political advantage?

Quigley....Paging Professor Quigley...


  1. I've written about this over at my website, too. Jacking up spending by two trillion dollars isn't controlling spending. Canada and the UK socialized are all the proof you need that socialized medicine isn't about improving health care access.

    But what it is good for is adding another way to control the people. Tough on(victimless) crime, privacy violating Repugnican drug warriors like that just as much as the Demogogues. Of course they aren't going to repeal it. They want it. They just didn't want to be seen passing it themselves.

    Come November, don't vote Dem. Don't vote Rep. Don't vote Libertarians. Don't vote Constitution.

    Look for, and vote for someone with priciples. Stop whining that "xxxx" can't get elected and it would waste your vote. If you vote for someone who will continue this garbage, just because you didn't want to waste your vote... Guess what: You wasted your vote.

  2. Oh, I meant to add one other thing.

    The only thing I find surprising about the Rep making excuses for why they can't repeal, is that they started now, instead of waiting till they've been voted in.

    But they have shown their hands, we know the party can't be trusted.

    Vote candidate, not party.

  3. In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate — look to his character....” — Noah Webster

  4. Well, of course. When have the evil republicans repealed ANYTHING? EVER..

    I take that back, Bush did repeal the 4th amendment.

  5. "Democrats are counting on that scenario. They say more Americans will learn of the new law's benefits over time and anger over its messy legislative pedigree will fade."

    Um, guys. Anger over the un-constitutional passage of this bill is not going to fade. Not in a couple of years, not in twenty years. No member of my family will ever cast a vote for a Democrat again, our family already voted on a Family Bill to never do that again, for any reason. NEVER, FOR ANY REASON. Do you understand that yet?

    We aren't voting for any Republican candidates in the upcoming election, or any other election in the foreseeable future.

    Democrats and Republicans alike have failed to listen to their constituents and are not worthy of any votes. Not now, not next election, nor the next after that.

    Not until Fed and State Govs all over this country return to Constitutional Governance and abolish the machinery of tyranny.

    Are we clear on this now?


  6. No guts, no glory...gawddam mealy mouthed, slimesucking metreauxsexual pukes. On a serious note, be assured that if one or two clauses of fedmed are thrown out in court all the rest remains. Look up 'severability'.

  7. patriot_ohio, I'd be interested in hearing more about your Family Bill. Would you contact me?

  8. I got a better idea ... don't vote beyond local elections.

    Marginal Gain is practically 0 for anything outside of that. Don't recognize the system, don't participate in the system.

    These morons could manage themselves out of a paper bag.

  9. The so-called Progressives can count on all GOP'ers to act like a bunch of Nancy-Boys (Pussies).

    Which is why Socialism always wins.


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