Thursday, March 04, 2010

Tim-Tom Rips One...

...and boy, does it smell...[Read]

It's not surprising--he's such an a******. As his temper tantrum comments prove.

Ed M sends a good related cartoon.

[Via An Illinois Voter]


  1. If one looks closely, one can see that Daley undermines his own sarcasm with hypocrisy, as he has armed bodyguards with him at all times.

  2. Of interest: for whatever reason, I waded through the entire seven pages of comments that were there at the time of this writing. I could count on one hand the number that were anti and have fingers left over.

    Scientific? Of course not. But velly intellesting.

  3. What is this "We" stuff? WE assasinated Kennedy, Martin Luther King....... Daley needs to go take a giant shit somewhere so he can get his breathing back to normal. Dripping with sarcasm? He has armed guards, and cronies and cops AND he denies others their 2A rights. More like the hypocrisy. He sounds more like a creepier version of Goering.


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