Monday, March 29, 2010

We're the Only Ones Admitting Enough

During cross examination by Lopez, however, the sergeant admitted that the photographs were taken after he had handled the gun and placed it in that position. [More]
You see what they did here--made it look like the citizen broke the law, and they would have let everyone think that unless the truth was forced out of them. One can only wonder at the frequency this happens. The fact that a sergeant and two officers were involved tells us all we need to know about it being just one isolated bad apple.

So what's the name of this g****** lying son of a b***** "Only One" who's willing to manipulate evidence against a citizen like that in an attempt to destroy his life and take his freedom, and what interest could a free society possibly have in employing and protecting such a fascist thug?

For some reason, this one really p***** me off more than usual.

[Via W-III]


  1. I remember listening to sheriff mack being interviewed. He said on multiple occasions in Arizona, his "partners" wanted to charge an open carrier with concealed carry even though it wasn't concealed.

  2. Now...I'm sure they had a good reason for falsifying evidence, bringing charges and trying to railroad the man!

    If Officer Friendly arrested him, he must have been guilty of something!

    Don't you think the good guys deserve a break once in a while? You know, just 'cause they're good guys trying to do a difficult job? I mean, you know... like protecting the herd, uh, I mean the people.

    I'm sure the officers involved only wanted to go home to their families at the end of their shift.


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