Monday, March 01, 2010

We're the Only Ones...

...Diversionary Enough
A misdemeanor charge of domestic battery was filed July 6, 2009...Elias also had been charged in Baxter Springs city court with misdemeanor domestic battery in connection with an incident on May 2, 2009, involving a different family member...Myers entered into diversionary agreements in both cases with Elias...
...Caught Red-Handed Enough
Deputies said Christopher Michael Boncek, 34, of 231 Star Lane in Hollister, was found at the home with blood on his hands. When they tried to photograph Boncek's hands, deputies said he assaulted one of them.
...Making It All Better Enough
A local police officer is off the job because of ticket fixing allegations.
...Not Buckling Under to Pressure Enough
There's an open secret about seat belts at police departments. Many officers killed in line-of-duty car crashes aren't wearing them.
...Casting a Long Shadow Enough
Ex-Syracuse cop's lie frees drug suspect, casts shadow on other cases
[Via FFFW]

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