Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And Now, An Editorial Reply...

April 19 is almost over, without violence, this year anyway. No thanks to right-wing hate-mongers. [More]
Cover your children's eyes before proceeding to the appropriate response.


F*** you, you stupid ****.


  1. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)4/20/2010 7:42 PM

    Well, it IS that leftist rag, Salon. What did you expect, David?

  2. Actually, she's wrong. There was violence yesterday. Not at the Washington Monument, and not at Ft. Hunt National Park or Gravelly Point Park.

    But somewhere in America, some law-abiding citizen was murdered by a criminal. And it could have been stopped if the victim had been armed.

    What about that violence, Ms. Walsh?

  3. Questioning SS-style terrorism by government is viciousness?

  4. sarah palin "too ignorant to run the country?"

    i'm sorry, what's that you said about running the country? kindly show us in the constitution where it says there is an office of the guy who runs the country.

  5. While all these hate mongering, right wing, racist gun nuts showed up in DC and elsewhere totin' their assault weapons, the gun-free, liberal paradise of Chicago saw dozens of shootings. Some within sight of the Police Superintendent and his entourage.


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