Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Case of Mistaken Identity

Vanderboegh links to a putrid Daily Kos post so I don't have to.

I actually take heart reading stuff like this. Conflating us with Nixon, who wanted to ban handguns, and Bloomberg...?

Sun Tzu advises to know your enemy. They're oblivious to who we are and what we believe, and prefer instead to follow in lockstep like lemmings the talking points put out there to demonize/dehumanize us.

It's a two-edged sword--while it creates a dangerous climate for us as a group being vilified, the differences from, say, 70 years ago in Europe, are that we are not ethnically separable, we are not segregated into enclaves and we are not unarmed.

Look at some of the tags--these creatures think our motivational inspiration comes from Rush Limbaugh? Sarah Palin? Michelle Bachman and Glenn Beck?

I say let them think we're too dumb to form independent thought without corporate media and Republican establishment leaders, and dismiss us as as low tooth-to-head ratio slack-jawed yokels. Knowing the skills some non-urban folk have at the basics, from a strictly Darwinian sense we'll see who is more highly adaptable when TSHTF.


  1. i'm agreed. kansas city shuffle. they don't understand, and they won't get the chance to.

  2. Unfortunately, come next election, most of those guys at the range will elect, Romney, Palin, etc. They'll save us, we'll hear. Don't waste your vote they will tell us.

  3. It wouldn't do any good arguing/discussing/talking to the Leftist Libtards anyway.
    They won't/couldn't/wouldn't understand. They're minds are already made up by emotionalism, so don't confuse them with facts.

    B Woodman

  4. I say let them think we're too dumb to form independent thought without corporate media and Republican establishment leaders, and dismiss us as as low tooth-to-head ratio slack-jawed yokels. Knowing the skills some non-urban folk have at the basics, from a strictly Darwinian sense we'll see who is more highly adaptable when TSHT.

    Precisely. I would go for Ron Paul and Walter Williams, but I imagine having a younger VP would be best, though it wouldn't bother me.

  5. "I say let them think we're too dumb to form independent thought without corporate media and Republican establishment leaders, and dismiss us as as low tooth-to-head ratio slack-jawed yokels"

    Us low tooth-to-head ratio types don't gots not teethes because them liberal abortion survivors won't pays fer em.

    And I'd like to see one of them libtards make a carburetor for a John Deere out of a Camel cigarette pack, some bubble wrap and a bag of rubber bands like my daddy can do.

    If he don't plow, liberals and foreigners don't eats.

  6. Daily Kos is often far worse, so this particular piece wasn't all that bad, I felt. They did leave out some key facts, such as the barrage of rocks and bottles that preceded the National Guard opening fire at Kent State, as well as the burning of the Student ROTC center, but that is SOP for the Daily Kos. And as for MacCarthy Park, well, that was the product of a liberal administration and a fascist police cadre, most of whom wound up severely punished for their role of ordering in the riot troops.

    If all goes well, and there is no reason to think it will not, then on April 20th the folks at Daily Kos will be scratching their heads trying to figure out why the Second Amendment March was so peaceful.

    No doubt they'll ignore the discipline and honor of the Second Amendment Marchers and attribute it to "admirable restraint" on behalf of the police force.

    Marx, after all, was a firm believer in historical revisionism, so it is not surprising his followers play fast and loose with facts.


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