Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is Richard Clarke Just Ignorant or Worse About What Gun Rallies Commemorated?

So who is this character and why should we care what he says? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column doesn't think he's ignorant. So that leaves what other alternative for someone who spreads a lie?

Share the link? If we don't get the truth out, who will?

It's for damn sure the fascist media isn't interested in doing anything but exploiting the lie for all its worth.


  1. Clarke is not ignorant. He's become quite the self promoting propagandist.

    State Dept, US National 'Security' Council,etc from Nixon's time right thru to Bush II.

    Nope, not ignorant, he's selling books and carrying water for the current regime.

  2. Three word about Richard Clarke: What a douche.

  3. Funny, I thought April 19th was the day the british were confronted on the green at Lexington. Maybe that's just s symbolism that the left doen't want us to think about.

    Ken Lowder

  4. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)4/25/2010 11:59 PM

    Liar. Plain and simple. They know full well what we commemorated on that day, but the Communists have an agenda to meet. The truth gets in their way, not to mention that it must scare the hell out of them.


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