Friday, April 30, 2010

Second Amendment Sellout

I ordinarily try not to drive traffic to my enemies, but this time I'll make an exception.

I also ordinarily try to keep the language clean around here. Again, it's exception time.

Read on, having been warned.

Yo, Federale:

Fuck you, you racist asshole.

Any time you want to "use" that "stinkin' badge" on me, let me know, douchebag. You do say you're not afraid to.

Come out from behind your screen name, coward, and face me.

That shouldn't be a problem for a big, brave "Only One," should it?


  1. Thank you David...NOT.
    I committed the imprudence to click on the link and all of a sudden I found myself drowning in a torrent of crap, pus, bile and vomit.
    Now I have to take a long, hot shower and scrub really well in order to get rid of the Federale stink.

  2. Like most racists, this man is a total coward. Just like the Klansmen who puts a cloth over his face, this guy can't come out in public because the rightous truth would smack him in the face. I would gladly take the back of any man who stands up to this shit.

    Good on you, David.

  3. Like I said over at my own place, I'm guessing that cop's not willing to use that fourth box; in fact, he'd probably be one of the people going door-to-door rounding up the guns. So who's really the sellout here?

  4. I got your back, David. This snake is extremely venomous, even moreso than the Mojave Rattlesnake.

  5. Ugh. Comment left:

    How a thinking person could wade through that slough and not immediately arrive at the conclusion that Federale is an empty-headed bigot who sees whatever he wants to in the world around him is beyond me.

    In my limited experience interacting with such people, patient words and researched references are almost always completely wasted in dealing with such a set-in-his-ways person.

    One singular phrase gives me faint hope that Federale might still be able to pull himself out of his mental rut: "we don't need to justify the armed tradition and God-given right to be armed". Indeed we don't - and any so-called law to the contrary is void, as exemplified in Marbury vs Madison.

    Therefore, since one of the many rights inherent to each human was given to that human by Almighty God Himself, why should those who recognize such truth spurn the company of others of like mind... merely due to the color of skin?? If a hostile media chooses to crop video of a righteously armed man so closely that the color of his dark skin isn't visible, do you see any wrong in a private organization choosing to counter such propaganda?

    As for the "cultural" and societal flaws brought about by intense governmental social engineering, often confused with skin color, can Federale not see that "the problem" as he states it is not because of an individual's genetic makeup, but is due to the illegal behavior of various levels of government? Crips, Bloods or MS-13: fueled by the War on Drugs. Welfare culture and illegal aliens: forced socialism via the means used to fund government "services", government schools, and involuntary servitude of private emergency medical services.

    Ignorance and government crime are the problems. Education and personal responsibility together is the solution.

  6. Federale assaults a post at Grigg's site - complaining about a guy who only posts his first name while Federale hids behind a nom de plume.

    This asshat - if he is, in fact, an "only one" can't post his name. That would cause a number of cases to be re-opened, since this guy is clearly mental.

    He's more than likely working directly for the other side. If he's not, he's doing much of their work for them.

    There's no point in debating his drivel. Calling him an asshole racist coward doesn't even approach the level of profanity that Federale wrote in that post. It's too bad that sub-human scum that twisted even exist. If he's an actual only one, I fear for anyone with a level of melanin in their skin that he doesn't approve of.

  7. This will actually come in handy next time some anti tries to conflate us with "haters"--being attacked from racists like this (and federal Only Ones" at that, assuming he's not just a fraud wannabe about that) because when we say "right of the people" we actually mean all people regardless of race, color or creed.

  8. straightarrow4/30/2010 5:07 PM

    My comment at his place. Don't known if it will make it through moderation, but I want it to see the light of day, so here it is;;

    I read your piece and it is racist ranting. You don't have to like it, but it is. Maybe you should read it.

    Of course the minorities are aligned mostly with the other side. The other side did something very politically intelligent, even if immoral. They made them dependent. Then created all sorts of problems for them, followed immediately by proclaiming themselves saviors. Uh huh! Salvation usually doesn't translate to "I won't fuck you up if you do what I want". But the other side has been getting away with it a long time.

    However, we are seeing a change in attitude amongst minorities, slow and small but it is happening. One reason is that all sources of information available to them can no longer be controlled as they once were. Those members of minorities not dependent on government and who aspire to betterment are starting to realize the heretofore unseen fetters on them and are starting to reject them. With the exception of some who use racism, even if it must be manufactured of whole cloth, to their personal profit.

    Your theme that minorities are incapable of enlightened self-interest in a moral context is racist. If you don't see that, you are part of the problem.

    The above was presented without malice and is divorced from this part. But in the interest of fairness I will tell you something about myself. I view the fact that you are a federal law enforcement officer (or were) proof that you can be and have been bought. Moral men could not do the things our LE personnel are now required to do just to get their retirement and other benefits. I was the most pro LE citizen you ever saw 30 to 40 years ago. I didn't change, the character of LE and it overseers did. I am not yet anti LE, but I am extremely suspicious of them. They have earned that suspicion with their rampant law-breaking, their special dispensation when caught, and the total betrayal of their oaths to the constitution to benefit of political masters who are less than stellar human beings in many cases.

    Oh, and you might be careful of whom you call a coward.

  9. Seems 'Reasonable Discourse' has broken out. With the exception of David's comment and the reply from the 'pustulent boyle on the hind end of a gangrenous baboon', no others have appeared.

    I told him to go have advanced aeronautical intercourse with a laterally motivated pastry, since he obviously has a problem with expletive-filled invective. No that the comment will actually appear, but hey, I left my $.02 anyway.

    Pricks like this always seem to get under my skin.

  10. well Hazmat, guess it is settled who the coward is.

  11. Dear god. I keep hoping people like this have become extinct.

    It's just sad, that's all.

  12. All I can say while being polite around your place, David, is what a load of crap. I've posted my response on my own blog.

  13. My response on this punk's site:

    Accusations of racism may indeed be the first refuge of a coward; though BEING a racist is indicative of BEING a coward. I support your right to be a homophobe and a racist as all citizens in this great nation have the right to free speech. Personally, I think racism and homophobia (if there is such a thing) are far over-rated, as each one of us has used some derogatory term towards some person at some time in our lives. Racism is emotional ignorance and is not a is a speed bump in the emotional development of some and a virtual Berlin Wall (pun intended) in the lives of others. You do seem to be a bit of a coward [hiding behind your alleged badge] and an asshole given what I have read of your blather. I too would like to issue a hearty "fuck you" for your slanderous assault on David Codrea, Mike Vanderboegh, and their naughty insinuation that minorities have any stake in Liberty. It appears that you have the ability to articulate thoughts intelligently...yet you sound like such a walking, talking colostomy bag. I am confused this the Blogoshpere version of one of those Federale robberies we hear so much of south-o'-the-border? It's like I have read your opinion and now I have been hijacked of my rational thought process in exchange for passing??? You do not have to accept my belittling of you on this page, as it is yours and nobody seems to be standing up for your ill-guided shenanigans; I will be copying this response and sharing it at War on Guns and at Sipsey Street. You may want to post it to avoid living up to the title of COWARD you are doing so well at living up to.
    PS: Your badge means JACK SHIT to me :)

  14. I left an extremely ... civil yet intellectually scathing reply.

    Let's see if this fucking cocksucker has the stones to allow his detractors to post up responses.

    I simply can't believe that horseshit passes for argument. It was like reading a huge pack of Logical fallacies.

    My head hurts now.

  15. No surprise - No replies are posted.
    Here's my reply:

    "Accusations of racism are the first refuge of the coward".

    You sir raised the issue by accusing others. By your own words then, you are the coward.


    What also needs saying is

    The "Got that stinkin' badge and not afraid to use it" line, does reveal the poor self image of someone who feels incomplete without it. Not 'a man', not complete in his own eyes, but someone who needs a crutch to make him fully able. Does that few inches of badge makes up for being a few inches short elsewhere?

    He does seem to be fixated on that badge thingy.

  16. I was taken with the 'founding fathers were slaveowners' bit he spouted.

    See, if he'd bothered to read the history books instead of eating them, he'd have learned the Founding Fathers tried their damnedest to strangle slavery. Unfortunately, they couldn't get the ratification they needed for the Constitution with an outright ban, so they had to settle for slanting the deck as heavily as possible (the infamous 3/5ths compromise).

    Sadly, their attempts would be subverted and fail.

    Welcome to realpolitik, Federale -- it's not just a modern invention.

  17. I replied on that guy's forum with this:

    When calling someone "a moron without an arguement" it would be wise not to misspell argument. That tends to make you look more like the moron.

    but I don't think he's brave enough to approve the comment.


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