Tuesday, April 06, 2010

We're the Only Ones Seasoned Enough

During the arrest, the officer placed a pepperball launcher on top of the cruiser.

The officers drove off with the launcher still on the car and it fell off somewhere in route to jail. [More]

Cool. I'm sure they've made some kids very happy. Let's just hope the recovery effort doesn't end up "following department protocol," where only one side goes home at the end of their shift...

[Via William T, who writes "Finders keepers, sez I..."]


  1. straightarrow4/06/2010 6:26 PM

    This sonofabitch is careless with his equipment and drops it on the street, drives off and leaves it, but the person who finds it could be arrested? How about arresting the sonofabitch who trafficked in it?

    Strict liability? Hey, start with the progenitor of the problem.

  2. I'd love to find me an MP5 in the gutter, even if it had some deep scratches in the finish!


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