Monday, May 24, 2010

Can IBM Car Technology Pose Threat to Gun Rights?

Sound nuts? Hey, I'm not the one applying for a patent to take over control of your car. But, yeah, the overarching compulsion to control every aspect of your fellow man's life is, no doubt, indicative of a deeply disturbed mind. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at some technogeeks fiddling with a remote control Bill of Rights shutoff switch.

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  1. Commercial for OnStar "safety" feature:

    Police: "We've spotted the stolen SUV."
    Helpful OnStar Operator: "I'm shutting the engine down now."
    "Police: "We got 'em. Thanks."

    Just because something CAN be done doesn't mean it SHOULD be done.

  2. ISTR reading here or at kindred sites about 1. The publicizing of the formula for black power during the American War of Independence, and 2. A similar publication of some gun plans by one of the most famous inventors.

    Both serve to illustrate that technology that is proprietary and secret does not work for freedom

    The same principle applies all the more to software. Those of us who
    insist on using closed source software may well find that those binaries do more than the user intended or wanted. Sat. sap.

    all the best, cycjec

    P.S. Free Software != Open Source.
    There's a difference there too.

  3. seriously?? in some sense maybe its good but i dont think many would agree to this kind of concept..


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