Monday, May 10, 2010

GRE Round Up for May 10

There's some good stuff being turned out by the Gun Rights Examiners. I hope you're availing yourself of it, and importantly, sharing these links via emails, on blogs and forums, with your local newspaper editor, etc.

A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."

These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.

Here are their latest offerings:

Ed Stone/Atlanta:
Supreme Court nominee finds no fault with Heller decision

Anthony Bouchard/Cheyenne:
From crisis to crushing of liberties, happens just that fast

Daniel White/Cleveland:
Keeping guns from terrorists

Dan Bidstrup/Denver:
Will CSU be safe for students now?

Rob Reed/Detroit:
More on how anti-terror laws threaten our Second Amendment rights

Steve D. Jones/Fort Smith:
Oklahoma open carry law in danger of veto

Dave Workman/Seattle:
Public reaction to Port Orchard shooting reveals distrust of ‘system,’ misunderstanding of law

Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Will 'pro-gun' Sen. Vitter jump on anti-gun 'terrorism' hysteria bandwagon?

Go. Read. And please share these links.

You're doing that, right?

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