Monday, May 24, 2010

Through a Glass Darkly

...If I were conducting "official business," I'd damn sure rather be observed through this kind of lens...

I'm aware there are those just arrogant enough to think they have the last word.

Y'all saw the latest chapter in this saga, right?

It's here. I note the "ram it down your throat" thug is still on the job.



  1. "For the government to be saying it has the power to prevent citizens from doing that is profoundly shocking, troubling, and particularly in the case of Maryland, simply flat-out wrong," said David Roach, ACLU.

    My comment: Welcome to the party.

  2. Soooooo, by the MD Stazi's train of thought, then a wire-tapping (even if court-ordered/allowed) and/or a polozi dash-cam is illegal because both parties did not consent to it?

    Be careful what you wish for, you may get it. The Law of Unintended Consequences is waiting around the corner to jump on you.

    B Woodman

  3. straightarrow5/24/2010 3:31 PM

    Does anybody still really believe we can correct this country without wholesale bloodshed?

    Is it possible that activists taping police will need to station friendly snipers in advantageous positions to provide some consequences for illegal police actions? Is it possible for the police to not realize that this and other equally repugnant reactions are being made inevitable by their behavior?

    When you can no longer trust the courts, you sure as Hell can't trust the cops.

  4. I'm surprised Officer "shove it down your throat" didn't taser the videographer for declining to provide ID. He needs to lose his job, badly.
    Very brave, in uniform, with lots of buddies around, in daylight on a busy sidewalk. Reminds me of the Arizona internal Border Patrol checkpoint. "I think you're a terrorist." For refusing to cheerfully consent to an intrusive search without probable cause, like in Amendment IV.
    What would Mr. Shove It have been doing on this date in 1942 in Germany? Probably wafting through the air as furnace fumes. Idiot.

  5. Police in MD and mayors in IL. Seems that the idea of shoving items up and/or down bodily orifices is catching on with the only one elites.

    Sigmund Freud might have had some enlightening comments about those tendencies.



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