Friday, May 14, 2010

We're the Only Ones Evening the Odds Enough

A member of the commission that oversees the Louisiana State Police faces charges including aggravated assault on a peace officer with a firearm following an incident at Harrah's New Orleans casino... [More]
Drunk, belligerent, spoiling for an armed confrontation... See, I would never think of doing something like that, which is apparently this guy's first reaction. I don't even know anybody who would think of doing something like that.

Figures the guy's a connected "official."

Good thing there were some "Only Ones" on scene.

You know, people exempted from those "guns in establishments that serve alcohol" regs the antis insist on imposing on those of us who aren't...

Which at least would save us from the legal risks we'd face if we protected ourselves from a threatening lout on those premises, like the deputies here did.

[Via retrotruckman]

1 comment:

  1. straightarrow5/15/2010 6:11 AM

    Have to disagree here,David about the deputies being "Only Ones". Had they really fit the profile of OO's everybody in a block radius would have been shot.

    These guys were actually "peace officers". And a damn sight more courageous than the average cop we see, you know, the ones who shoot people in the back because of a non-existent gun, or shoot family pets for the Hell of it.

    In this case, I would have no heartburn with either of these guys if they had shot the Hell of the jackass, yet they used courage and restraint and resolved the situation without physical harm to anyone. That is totally unlike what we have come to expect from cops, remember the bridge where the eagerness to kill and then lie about it didn't surprise anybody?

    This surprises everybody. Pleasantly, I might add.


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