Tuesday, May 04, 2010

We're the Only Ones on Target Enough

Grant grabbed his duty weapon, identified himself as a sheriff's deputy and ordered the woman to drop the knives...[More]
Great job on his part, and I mean that sincerely. He acted like a true hero.

And it's nice to see the headcase was ultimately "persuaded" to act rationally.

Thing is, and the reason this is an "Only Ones" story: Good luck to anyone without connections in SoCal being "permitted" to carry the most effective means of said persuasion.

The shoppers are damn lucky the deputy was there. And the bipolar maniac from hell is damn lucky someone didn't figure out there are all kinds of "weapons" that can be improvised in a Target store, particularly over in sporting goods, hardware, and lawn & garden. While possibly lacking the persuasive power of a gun to stop the violence NOW, they could very well have resulted in her dashed brains and a call for "Clean up on aisle two."

Everybody here is aware like that in public, right?

[Via Ed M]


  1. Target policy on selling guns:

    Guns / Toy Guns

    Target does not sell real guns, or toy guns that can be mistaken for real guns.

    In the early 1990s, we made the decision to stop selling "realistic" toy guns. We limited the sales of toy guns to those that are brightly colored and oddly shaped and, therefore, will not be mistaken for an actual weapon. We firmly believe that any toy gun that has the potential to be mistaken for a real gun is inappropriate for sale at Target.


    I understand from other web postings that Target does not allow employees to carry firearms or pepper spray.

  2. police that wear camo and carry guns off-duty? "oh no! militia!"

    he did do well. it probably takes a lot of restraint not to shoot. i'm sure they're conditioned to think that a disoriented person can quickly turn ugly -- i've seen youtube video of such as a confused drug addict getting shot from 10 yards away because he raised his knife in the air. "you can't be too careful."

    well, in fact, it looks like you can.

  3. straightarrow5/04/2010 10:19 PM

    Isn't it wonderful to finally see and hear of a cop who is not so scared he panics, but instead uses his head and his courage to handle a situation without shooting up the entire neighborhood?

    I join you in applauding deputy Grant.

  4. [quote]
    Investigators were trying to determine whether Trawick got the knives in the store.

    What in the world difference does it make where she got the knives? This insane obsession with knowing where everything came from - as if that's going to change anything - is maddening.

    And yes, it is nice to see a cop acting rationally. Especially in that area! He must be new to the job.

    And notice how people there have been so conditioned to thinking ANYONE with a gun is an evil "gunman." He was out of uniform, for pity sake!! AGGGG


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