Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Extreme Vigilantism

Homeowner Takes Law Into His Own Hands...

Even though this worked out in this situation, officers do not recommend taking these extreme measures to protect your home. [More]
Leave it to the "Authorized Journalists/Only Ones" alliance to wring their hands over an armed citizen protecting what is his and resolving things without firing a shot.

Best to paint things this way lest people start to think one group may not be as needed as we've been led to believe, and the other may not know what the hell it's talking about...


  1. ". . officers do not recommend taking these extreme measures to protect your home."

    Oh nooo's!! Someone who isn't a bleating sheeple!! Someone who can take care of themselves!! We can't let that happen!!

    B Woodman

  2. straightarrow6/02/2010 3:04 PM

    my comment at the site: "What is wrong with the writers and editors? In the first place the law belongs in our hands. We have the same duty to it as do the people we hire to make a full-time job of it. We hire them to do as an occupation what we cannot do full-time and go about our daily lives. For instance, this very case is about that. If we had not hirelings to jail this burglar what is there to do with him but hang him?

    Therefore, we call the police to come and do what they are paid for, remove the trash. But the editors and headline writers chose to make this sound like a story of a law-abiding citizen doing something immoral,illegal or at the least ill-advised. I would point them toward all those meccas of American helplessness like Chicago, where 22 people were shot in 24 hours. Chicago, where the tools of self-defense are outlawed for the citizen and the society is irrevocably broken because the average law abiding citizen cannot take the law into his hands, where it belongs. He must suffer the degradation of being prey and cannot fullfil his civic duty to uphold the law.

    What is it about these writers that they cannot admit the truth?

  3. If the "vigilante" had called the police they would have done nothing.

    A similar thing happened to me. I called the police, but they couldn't wait around for the thief to come back and retrieve his car from the scene. So the thief cam back, got his car and drove away to steal another day.

  4. "If he had had to of shoot it wouldn't have been good," said Investigator Robert Newman" Not good for the suspect anyway.

  5. Quote,
    "Even though this worked out in this situation, officers do not recommend taking these extreme measures to protect your home."

    In other words, you are just a mere mortal. You SHOULDN'T protect your property. Submit! Comply! Be a Little Girl!

    "In that situation it could've gone bad. If he had had to shoot his girlfriend was sleeping in the bedroom on the other side of the suspect. If he had had to of shoot it wouldn't have been good," said Investigator Robert Newman.

    In other words, mere mortals should not only NOT protect their own property, but if you do, you'll only bumble around and hurt yourself or a loved one. If a mere mortal shoots am intruder, it wouldn't be good, but if Law Imposement does it, Hooray!

    Only a Law Imposement Officer has the Special Powers and Abilities to defend lives and property. He has his priorities you know, number one being to go home at the end of his shift!

    Hell, if people went around defending themselves and protecting their property, all hell might break loose! Then where would all those professional and super qualified Law Imposement Officers be? Having to defend themselves against angry mortals defending their lives and property, that is where!

    Seriously, I keep listening for even ONE of those "really good guys who just want to do the right thing" to speak up and say that he doesn't support this point of view at all. Once again, the silence is deafening.

  6. The 5 commenters above make proud to be an American.I am so sick of bleeding heart liberals.We are Americans We are supposed to defend our selves.In most cases if you wait for the Police you are dead or robbed or raped.


  7. Hell, the title of the story is wrong.

    It's not 'taking the law into your own hands' to capture a criminal, /particularly/ one who is /robbing you/.

    Now, if he'd blown the guy away in cold blood? Then yeah, Houston, we have a problem.

    (Note the distinction. If your life is in danger, or if Timmy makes any kind of threatening move while you have a gun on them? Well, I always said Darwin was an optimist...)


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