Friday, June 25, 2010

On the One Hand...

...we have a democrat who has been OK on guns but then supports the left's agenda.

On the other hand, we have a republican who voted to ban semi-autos.

Listening to these hustlers pitch to "sportsmen"--and then listening to said sportsmen tell us how honored they are to be singled out as marks--works better than Benefiber.

If no one has previously thought of this term to describe the con job playing out, allow me to propose "Fudd Control."



  1. Hey! As long as it's not my ox being gored.

    Just kidding. The flap with ole whatsisname a few years ago educated a bunch of Fudds. Oh, yeah, Zumno. His ox was gored.

    We'd do well to remember that.

  2. "None of the Above."

    Can't we just rip a random page out of
    the phone book, throw a dart at it, and make that person our (Fill in the blank)?

    As Daffy Duck said, "This is RIDIKKULUS!"


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