Thursday, June 17, 2010

We're the Only Ones Camera-Shy Enough

In February 2007, he had been photographing a group of Miami officers as a journalist when they suddenly noticed him. After repeatedly ordering him to stop taking pictures to no avail, they tackled and arrested him for several misdemeanors, one of which claimed he had been obstructing traffic. [More]
Simon Owens profiles Carlos Miller of Photography is Not a Crime.


  1. Carlos is a hero. Good of you to link this!

  2. Dear cops,

    Aren't you the ones who tell US "If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about"?

  3. Most professionals or serious amateurs engaged in any activity would request a copy so that they could review their performance and perhaps improve their performance based on their own observations.

    A public act is just that - a public act, open to observation by any and all.

    After all, what do they have to hide? Are they expecting privacy?


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