Thursday, June 10, 2010

We're the Only Ones Having a Cow Enough

Police shoot contrary cow [More]
Well, I know they were only following established protocols, but some enlightened "Only Ones" have established contented cows are preferable to contrary one...

Hey, if anybody's looking for a new desktop background...

It's actually not fair for me to second guess or even use this as an example--I wouldn't know how to round up a charging 1,200-Lb. animal either. I see the Charolais makes good eating. Hope the owner made the most of it.

[Via Carl S]


  1. Even if the actual owner got any of the meat, he was crying into his soup. If this was a female, and purebred, she was worth several thousand dollars. I hope the owner - or the stockyard - had good insurance.

    But it's amazing to think the stockyard workers couldn't round her up. My young sons regularly rounded up such cows... on foot. Show them a bucket of grain and they'll follow you anywhere.

  2. Interesting article:"Winfree then shot the animal with one round from his .308 rifle."

    Did he miss with the shotgun shown in the photo? lol

  3. That was an earlier act of bovicide by a different PD, sofa.


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