Monday, July 12, 2010

The Clouseau Solution

Police in Daytona Beach have asked area gun shops to provide the personal information of everyone who bought a certain type of handgun in 2004 and 2005. [More]
I suspect everyone and I suspect no one.
[Via Brian F]


  1. Maybe the .40 Smith & Wesson they're looking for is hanging off the hip of one of their own.

    Stranger things have happened amongst professionals.

  2. I believe the reporter means a handgun CHAMBERED for the .40 S&W CARTRIDGE, which would be a much wider suspect pool than just owners of actual Smith & Wessons. Assuming the police have recovered bullets but not the actual gun.
    Crimes were also committed with the .45, the .32, the .380... Why not lists of all buyers of THEM?
    This ... I'm too outraged to be frightened.
    If the gun shops help without being forced to, they are cutting their own throats. If they help WITHOUT being forced, then let them proudly post signs on their doors saying "Your constitutional rights not valid beyond this point.

  3. Time to find another gun shop to buy from folks. This guy clearly does not know that the Constitution requires a warrant to search his records. He in no way wants to protect your privacy or rights. The cops now know just what guns you now have. Find another store to shop at and put this guy out of business. PS any evidence that does lead to an arrest may be dismissed due to his cooperation in a police fishing expedition.

  4. If the first shooting was in December 2004, how would a purchase in 2005 through 2008 be related except for coincidence? Several assumptions may been made:
    1.) The weapon was purchased legally, not stolen and then sold to the shooter through black market channels or stolen directly by the shooter.
    2.) The weapon was purchased locally to Daytona Beach and not elsewhere and transported to Daytona Beach after acquisition.
    3.) The weapon was purchased from an FFL who must maintain records and not from a private party.
    4.) The weapon was purchased recently before the first killing in December 2005, not purchased ten years earlier.

    What is not particularly noted is that the four murders occurred in December 2004, January 2006, February 2006, and January 2008, or in other words during the height of winter tourist season in a destination that has many seasonal tourists during three consecutive winters. The winters of 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 have had no related murders. Why are there no related murders in the past two years? Has the murderer been incarcerated, died, relocated with similar murders inflicted elsewhere or can he/she simply no longer afford to vacation in Daytona Beach because of the worsening economy? Has the pool of potential victims shrunk? Has the weapon been discarded or is it stored? Has the murderer decided that .45 ACP is more effective or has he decided that 9mm, while less effective then either .40 S&W or .25 ACP, is less costly per round and is a workable substitute?

    Why am I thinking that the investigators are simply hoping to get lucky and that all Daytona Beach are purchasers of this type of weapon during that time period will encounter the modern version of the Inquisition?

  5. The video from WESH-TV that accompanied the article showed an example of the particular weapon sought and showed a portion of the request letter which mentions "Smith & Wesson or wholesale distributor" as a potential source to the FFL.


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