Wednesday, July 07, 2010

A Graphic Representation

What the chart in fact shows is that there is virtually no correlation between gun control laws and gun homicides. [More]
I don't really do statistics-based commentary, but thought I'd pass this along for those of you who are interested.

Maybe if someone could come up with a chart showing Daley's blood pressure rising following McDonald...

[Via The Bitter Clinger]


  1. straightarrow7/07/2010 3:39 PM

    It is statistically undeniable that there is a link between the consumption of potatoes and the urge to murder.

    If we are to believe every stat thrown out there as a causitive factor it behooves us to register, limit, license, and maybe even confiscate potatoes as it can be proven that every killer statistically speaking has at one time or another consumed potatoes in one form or another.

    Statistics are meaningless unless sound judgment is applied to them. Accepting them blindly is just a great big show of stupid.

  2. Our rights don't depend on what X percent of the population does or doesn't do. That's liberty.

  3. Nicely put, Defender.

    A commenter on that post raves about the lack of gun violence in countries with strict gun control laws.

    Apparently she isn't familiar with Chicago.


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