Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We're the Only Ones Sobering Enough

DUI? What DUI? Politically-connected West Palm Beach cop skates after crashing into four cars [More]
And leaving the scene...

[Via Harvey]


  1. That whole "equality under the law" thing is for suckers, anyway.

  2. Who are you to second guess the actions of a professional Police Officer? Were you there? have you walked a mile in his shoes? Have you had special Cop driver training? You don't know what kind of day he'd had. He volunteers to lay his life on the line... dangerous and deadly profession... split second decisions... life and death... and kryptonite.... and....!!!!!

    Shut up! You're not supposed to notice! If you notice, you're a cop basher!

    Stop it! Stop it now!!!!!


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