Friday, August 27, 2010


From David Olofson, via email and reposted here with permission:
I will be leaving Green Bay on the 3rd of September. My release date is not until the 5th, but because it is on a weekend they will be processing me out on the last working day instead. It should be a nice weekend with the wife and kids before having to spend a few weeks putting stuff back in some semblance of order. The problems we have endured are fare from over, but we should be able to make the best of a bad situation not just for ourselves, but for everyone else.

My access to the net until I leave is very limited. I will be on just twice more. Once home, and after I get my computer in good running order I will have better communication, and be able to actually spend some time on the phone. I look forward to a lifestyle that is not quite so sedate...

My best to all and hope to talk to you soon.
Can somebody give me a moral answer to why this man and his loved ones were forced to endure all this...?


  1. We're slaves because after world war 2, the U.S. had been victorious over the bad guys. We had the moral high ground and economic prosperity, so the government could do no wrong and everyone got fat, dumb, and happy when it came to political wisdom and involvement. Now, floppy-wristed, corrupt, control freaks are in charge and they want you to be totally at the mercy of the collective. You must be disarmed if they are to realize all of their goals. Imprisoning people for victimless crimes is the main feature of the emerging total state. From harmless weeds to machine guns.

  2. Mr. Olofson won't be the last to endure this.

    The reason for that is the BATFAE thugs that sent him up are still wasting oxygen and have paid absolutely no price whatsoever.

    So, the real question is, what are WE going to do about this?


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