Thursday, August 05, 2010

Don't Like Tyranny? Tough

You have no right to rebel against it.

Wheaton College Philosophy professor Stephen Mathis said it, I believe it, that settles it.

Don't you?



  1. Good counterargument at the "No?" link. Funny how the worse a tyrant is, the more his re-election victory approaches (or exceeds!) 100% of the vote. Saddam, and Ahmadinejad is another. And I forget which country it was where people risked their lives if they had the ink-stained finger that means they voted at all. If you don't vote, you can't get rid of the incumbent...
    OF COURSE the tyrant wants to set the rules of engagement. Mathis is a tool.
    A minute's research would find what the Founders said. If their government had stayed true to their design, no talk of revolution would be heard, or necessary. There is no longer a divine right of kings here, yet there are some who presume to be kings. King John, who had no use for that Magna Carta thing.

  2. The professor is scared, that's all. Living close to a university town I attend every off-campus lecture I can, but won't go to the on-campus ones because of course they demand that you disarm yourself so as to be fair game for the thugs that regularly prowl the neighborhood waiting for sheep to gather en masse.

    Really doesn't matter what the speech or lecture or class is all about, it usually gets around to wailing on how horrible it is to live in America now, what with all of those stupid gun laws being passed by the Supreme Court.

    The lefties genuinely fear the mere thought of someone other than a cop or service member being able to own and/or carry a firearm. They console one another with the "fact" that should these heavily armed rednecks every get out of hand, the cops and Marines will be sent in to protect them.

    Fear. Stark raving fear. Must be absolute hell being them.

  3. You have no right to rebel. It isn't legal.

    Well, I'm not sure anyone in power would make it legal. Of course, those that would rebel probably don't look at the law to see if it is. They rebel and then make it legal.

  4. Sez he, "It is hard to imagine the stockpile of firearms an individual — or group of individuals — would need to mount an effective defense against the U.S. military, and the idea of an effective offense strains the imagination further. "

    Right. That explains the remarkable success the mightiest military in the world has had in Afghanistan subduing some estimated 10,000 illiterate rag heads.

    The way things are headed, I would expect that many 'insurgents' in a sparsely populated state like Idaho or Wyoming, let alone the rest of the country. And some o' those boys have training in the employ of that same military. Not exactly illiterate rag heads.

    AJ Kurpjuweit

  5. By the time I would rebel, I would have already named the government as my enemy, and would not give a damn if it said I don't "have the right" to rebel. Clearly, "Professor" Mathis doesn't even grasp the implications of the Declaration of Independence.

  6. I don't have the right? Neither does Obongo, to waltz all over the Constitution. Since their idea of "rules", are, anything goes, then that's my "rules", too.

  7. Kagan has been confirmed. I wonder what she'd say about the right to rebel against oppression. I think we know. The bullies always say "No fair hitting BACK."
    The news made it sound like she sailed through the Senate vote.
    Now, in the next election, will the incumbents win, it'll be contested, and the Obamacourt will affirm the results?
    Does a bear eat unarmed campers in the woods?

  8. Speaking of tyranny. Fox News crawler: Algeria is considering banning Blackberry phones as a threat to national security because you can talk, email, instant message and browse the Web. Helpful to terrorists. Also ANTI-terrorists. It's A TOOL.


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