Monday, August 09, 2010

It's Not About Weed

It's about freedom.

Watch a "pre-trailer."

[Via Michael W. Dean]


  1. Laid back and well armed.

  2. Uh, ain't looking for no damn sweaty hugs from no potheads. You go do what you think is right, I consider it MY right to remain sober and straight. But should you happen to get your head smoked up real good and cause injury, death, or destruction of private property, you can count your life in seconds.

  3. We don't do drugs, and I've been sober since 1994.

    There's nothing in the movie saying "smoke pot AND have guns", it's saying exactly what it says.: That when the weed folk and the gun folk quit fighting, there can be liberty.

    --Michael Dean, director of the film.

  4. Sean,
    Being ignorant doesn't help this issue. You're proving what the movie said.
    Oh wait, you didn't get that part.


  5. I have never "smoked" but I'm pro freedom. Forget a massive sickening bureaucracy of control that Ca. is considering, how about legal to own your own plants for personal use. The ramifications would ripple through the DEA, PD's all the way to the newly bankrupted mexican narco gangs.

  6. PeaceableGuy8/10/2010 3:00 AM

    Drug abuse is a serious problem and I don't use 'em, yet even I can see that Prohibition was a collossal failure. The drug war is nothing but Prohibition all over again, but with less legality (Constitutional amendment vs tortured legislative law).

    In the interests of freedom and in keeping with the Founders' principles, the War on Drugs has got to go.

  7. Joe, you NAILED it.

    The War on Guns and the War on Drugs fuel each other, so if you're against one war, it doesn't make sense to be for the other war.

    If you're truly pro-freedom, you're pro-ALL freedoms!

    Michael W. Dean

  8. Dear Wyomarine, yup, I'm ignorant. At least I wanted to be, the five times in my life where I went to funerals for soldiers and relatives who all started with "just a little pot". My oldest brother is in a nursing home warehouse, waiting around to die, because of drugs and alcohol. Can't feel his hands, feet, taste anything, almost blind, with dementia. I personally saw at least fifty soldiers get booted from the service, because of dope. Think it's okay to smoke a little weed when you handle explosives routinely? Not around me. How about crystal meth? Turns cheerleaders into whores in record time. Yep, them drugs is great. Except when they kill, maim, cripple and ruin lives. You go have your dope. I don't want any. Oh wait, I did get that part.

  9. Sean,
    Again you missed the whole point. Sorry about your brother, I too have seen what drugs do to people and couldn't agree with you more. I served in the USMC at the end of the Vietnam war and saw lots of pot and drug abuse.

    Read some of the other replies, it's about gov't control over us.

    Just because you own a gun doesn't make it right to shoot every pot user you come across either. Next we can shoot the beer and scotch drinkers too. That's where I disagree with you.


  10. Sean,

    If you really think pot's a killer, don't you think it should be legal as a nice way of Darwinianly weeding out the weak?

    Why should the government protect us from ourselves?

    If you think they should, then no one should have guns, right? (Except of course, the government, because the government is an all-knowing and perfect loving-yet-stern parent to guide us in our every decision!)

    Another issue: PROHIBITION DOES NOT WORK. The War on Drugs has been unwinnable since the 1930s. It only fuels government waste, bolsters government intrusion, and puts good people in prison.

    It also fuels the War on Guns. Look how Holder tried to reinstate the Assault Weapon Ban to help the War on Drugs.

    Prohibition doesn't make people quit smoking pot anymore than a total gun ban would make a patriot hang his head in shame and voluntarily hand in all his hardware to the federal smelter.

    --Michael Dean

  11. Sean,

    I read your post quickly, grokked the meaning but didn't register the word "brother." Sorry if I came off as callous with the comment about "Darwinianly weeding out the weak."

    I'm an ex-addict clean since 1994 and have seen so damn many people die from drugs that I deal with it flippantly sometimes.

    That said, I really don't think the gov has any right to protect us from ourselves. For instance, I literally think dueling should be legal, since it's voluntary.

    The ONLY proper role of government, as set up by the Founders, is to protect our rights. If we want to voluntarily do something dangerous, they have no moral right to stop us.

    Do you think that driving race cars should be outlawed? How about boxing? Skydiving? Camping in bear country? Those things are exactly like drugs: voluntarily doing something dangerous and exhilarating, despite common sense, for kicks.

    I also truly believe that the War on Drugs lead directly to the Health Care mandate being crammed down our collective gullets.

    When you let 'em take an inch, they take a lightyear.

    --Michael Dean

  12. I am not in favor of drug prohibition. Never said that. And I do know about govt. control of us and that it is a bad thing. And I never said I would shoot the next pot smoker I encountered. What I intimated, but I will make exceedingly clear now, is that if you are high on alcohol, weed, heroin, coke, meth, whatever, and you kill one of my family, or burn down my house, or grieviously injure my family, there is no power on this earth that is going to save you from me. Get it? I don't give a good GD what anyone does with themselves and dope, but the minute you start to involve me or mine, we're done. As an aside, if you want to embrace the brain challenged horde of drug users, go right ahead. LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.

  13. Sean said...
    >I am not in favor of drug prohibition. Never said that.


    >I will make exceedingly clear now, is that if you are high on alcohol, weed, heroin, coke, meth, whatever, and you kill one of my family, or burn down my house, or grieviously injure my family, there is no power on this earth that is going to save you from me. Get it?

    Well, that would also be true for any sensible person if the person doing that stuff were a tetotaling priest, right?

    >As an aside, if you want to embrace the brain challenged horde of drug users, go right ahead.

    I prefer the company of sober people, actually.

    Michael Dean

  14. With freedom comes responsibility.

    Every time we pick up a firearm, we hold the potential for death -- ours, the guy next to us, or some poor kid 2 miles away -- in our hands.

    HOWEVER, experience has shown us that by following certain hard-and-fast rules, we can eliminate most risks and minimize the damage caused by the little we can't eliminate.

    Meth is POISON - mostly because it's made by idiots. What if you could buy "pharmaceutical grade" made by the same people you buy all your other pills from?

    The violence is - ultimately - caused by prohibition. Alcohol is legal, and relatively inexpensive - and since the end of prohibition we've had no gangs shooting it out in the streets over it. The same would happen if *THIS* prohibition were ended.

    100% of the militarization of police - which is now aimed at ***US*** - is due to prohibition. End prohibition and we can begin to eliminate this as well.

    If I am a free man, I get to choose what to do with my own body. I decide what to eat, drink, wear, and even smoke.

    If the .gov can tell me "you can't have this. OR this. Or This, this or this.

    Where does it end?

    No trans-fats! No salt! <--THESE are a reality *TODAY* -- and again, ONLY because of prohibition.

    Thanks to the marxist takeover of our medical system, we're about to find out!

    Full disclosure: I too haven't done any drugs in nearly 30 years, but rely on pharmaceutical poison to help me handle constant, severe pain. But not for prohibition, there's a natural, safe option which would help relieve my pain with ***NONE*** of the side-effects of the pharmaceutical poison -- but I dare not avail myself of this remedy because of prohibition.


    As to the harder drugs, whoever said "darwinism" was right. Let the stupid and weak remove themselves from the gene-pool. THis is best for EVERYONE else.

    With freedom comes responsibility.

    If you love the nanny-state, even a little, then there are no limits.



  15. DD-

    All very well said!

    Michael Dean

  16. Sean said "How about crystal meth? Turns cheerleaders into whores in record time."


    If it were legal, that would be in the TV ads:

    "New Improved Crystal Meth! Turns cheerleaders into whores in record time"

    -Michael DEan


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