Friday, August 13, 2010

A Note About the Chet Edwards Piece

Predictably, some of the apologists are telling us what a swell guy Chet Edwards has been since that F NRA gave him and how he's had a "perfect record" since.

Supporting Barack Obama, who gave us Eric Holder, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan is an example of perfection? There's no cost for giving aid and comfort to proven enemies? Feed us yummy crumbs with one hand--as allowed by your party leadership, which recognizes it as a necessary tactic based on district demographics and which won't make or break a bill anyway--all the while enabling collectivist subversives to strengthen their position?

Oh, right. Politicians are only "dishonest" when they disagree with us. Otherwise, they're "reformed."

Not being a political sophisticate, I just don't understand such things.


  1. I was thinking about the NRA this morning, with regard to their potential support of Harry Reid, and Reid's commercial downing his opponent Sharron Angle for her "Second Amendment response" comment.
    It occurred to me that the NRA doesn't believe in a Second Amendment response either. "From my cold, dead hands... unless they put a law on the books, in which case I'll be a good law-abiding citizen and give them up."
    As Chris Cox said about Gillibrand, either Edwards was lying then, or he's lying now. Still a liar and a treasonous conspirator.
    Why choose the lesser evil when there's a choice that isn't evil at all? Yet the NRA manages to do that most of the time.

  2. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)8/13/2010 3:58 PM

    See, that's your problem, David. You're too smart for your own good, and you're so moral that you expect the same from politicians. ;o)

    Oxymoron: honest politician.


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