Thursday, August 12, 2010

Registering a Protest

It's easy to get to where I just don't give a damn what urban fools do to themselves. It's easy to say those who value freedom but still live there know what they're getting.

Then I get mad at myself. This is supposed to be America. Allowing tyranny to exist unopposed anywhere just gives it a beachhead and then a base from which to spread. And expecting people to up and move is nothing less than standing by and allowing an ideological, as opposed to ethnic "cleansing" to occur.

Besides, where better to confront the enemy than where he lives? Consider the alternative.

I'm glad Alan Gottlieb is not giving up on them. I'm sure he could use some help.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the days when I thought two boxes of 50 rounds was a LOT of ammunition. Now I think a MANUFACTURER'S "lot" isn't much.
    When all is said and done, if you're part of the gun culture, you're probably already on some lists. Still, fight it like hell. There's only ONE reason to register ammo buyers, and urban regimes do seem ready to ramp up their program. Think about the police department in Florida that wanted to see gun shop's records of all buyers of handguns in .40 S&W. They're bringing out the very wide nets.


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