Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Ringing Endorsement, Eh?

Canada's police chiefs voted unanimously Monday to endorse a new national firearms policing strategy and delivered a ringing endorsement of the national firearms registry. [More]
Of course they did.

In other news, Canadian hogs unanimously grunted approval for more feed being added to their troughs.


  1. "Quite frankly I don't believe the results of that survey ... We have already seen that the gun lobby organizes itself very well to promote false information about how this information is in fact used by the police community," Blair told the CBC.

    Well, a good way to counter the arguement given, would be to have some numbers regarding how the registry is helping solve crime, stopping/convicting criminals, or some other useful purpose.

    What do I know, I'm not a cop.

  2. I think Blair is looking ahead. The registry, though it has not solved a single crime, will be far from "useless" when Canada becomes the same as Britain and Australia and they demand the big turn-in. IF Canada has such a low gun crime rate compared to the U.S., that's the only reason to register the guns of the law-abiding.
    I hope he demonstrates more arrogance and paranoia, especially the part about his opponents all being liars. Maybe it will wake the people up before doors start being kicked in.

  3. Most people will wake up ONLY when their doors are being kicked in.


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