Tuesday, August 03, 2010

We're the Only Ones Ethical Enough

FBI Director Robert Mueller told Congress on Wednesday that he does not know how many of his agents cheated on an important exam on the bureau's policies, discussing an embarrassing investigation that raises questions about whether the FBI knows its own rules for conducting surveillance on Americans. [More]
"It's own rules."

Cool. That makes ignoring this pesky thing all the easier.

Besides, I thought unless something became politically too hot to handle, it all fell within "established department protocols."

Imagine being so confident you could break the rules you'd cheat on your own people. I wonder why that was apparently viewed as doable?

Fortunately, we're only talking about "a few bad apples." I'm sure after Director Mueller and the IG complete their count, we'll find most of them are merely "confused" instead of rotten, aren't you?

Funny, though, how we can't use that same excuse when one of we mere mortals aren't clear on the rules...

UPDATE: Yeah, that's about what I figured their "rules" were...

[Via Ed M]


  1. From what I've read on this, even if they DO know the rules, there JUST ISN'T TIME to follow them. Lives are at stake, we are at war with terrorism, something has to be done NOW.
    The same excuse Congress gave for passing the 2,000-page privacy-eating PATRIOT Act, unread.
    Meanwhile, thousands of pages of recorded conversations in Arabic go untranslated. Worse, what IS translated is MIStranslated by sympathetic Muslims in our government.
    PLUS, no one is talking about the WikiLeaks revelation that agents of the Paki and Afghan governments are all buddy-buddy with the Taliban and selling out our troops. No, the focus is definitely on DOMESTIC "terrorism." And we now who's classified as "insurgents." Peaceful dissenters such as the TEA Party. (Taxed Enough Already? They don't THINK so.)

  2. Remember, plebeians...

    "Ignorance of the law is no excuse..."

    Unless you're an Only One whose (alleged) job is ENFORCING it- then it's a different story.



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