Friday, September 10, 2010

Children's Hospital

"First, I would ask whether or not you really need a gun in your house," Dr. Gittelman says. "If you choose to own a gun, it should be stored unloaded in a locked cabinet or drawer. The ammunition should be stored separately – in a different, locked location. And you need to be sure your children do not have access to the keys." [Read]
I dunno, Doc--think that would have helped this medical professional? Do you think he needed one? And should he have given a head start advantage to the reptiles?

Don't you people have a baby to kill or something?


  1. Gittleman at least acknowledges freedom of choice. That's better than some. But on the whole, we need gun safety advice from medical pros likke Mary Jo Kopechne needed a drink of water from Ted Kennedy. 200,000 deaths a year due to doctor error, vs. 30,000 overall involving guns.
    That Connecticut case is nearly identical to one in Richmond, Va., the Harvey family. Parents and two little daughters herded to their basement, sacks duct-taped over their heads and beaten to death with a hammer the reptiles found in the house.
    They ran a game shop called World of Mirth.
    Not far away from Connecticut, Mr. Grier has the right idea.
    You want to invade my home? Nnnn-kay. I mean AK.

  2. A couple of points-

    Compare their child safety instructions to Eddie Eagle-it's verbatim. Do you think they would ever endorse that program by name?

    I actually agree with them that even folks with no firearms in their homes should re-inforce gun safety to their kids-knowledge is never a bad thing.

    The rest of it is pretty much nonsense, however. After a lifetime of having gun safety (including proper gun handling as age-appropriate) you shouldn't need to worry about your teens.

  3. I would agree with Dr. Gittelman on one point - Teach your children firearm safety. The Cooper dictum, not fear of firearms as Gittelman would have you teach.

    The rest of his advise is pure unadulterated horsecrap.

    Somewhere I saw statistics that indicate doctors kill more US citizens in a year's time than do people with guns. Follow this educated idiot's advise and watch the statistics go up.


  4. The mistake some of us make is in assuming that people like Gittelman care one whit about the lives and suffering of others.

    His role, as he sees it, is to rationalize via his medical degree; what Garen Wintemute does on the West Coast, the disarmament of the population on behalf of progressivism.

    It's all about power and control.

    It's what fascists do.

  5. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics, a child or teen was killed in a firearm-related accident or suicide every eight hours in 2001.

    If I remember correctly, this statistic is politically skewed - I think they included gang-bangers all the way up to 19 years old in order to get the numbers they claim.


  6. There are an estimated 300 million firearms in private hands in the US. The choice is simple, either attempt to ensure that your children never ever encounter one of those guns or through education give them the training so that they are safe no matter what weapon they may encounter. It is this simple exercise in logic that causes me to spit in the eye of whoever claims, "it's for the children," when trying to enact some new regulation that aims to keep them ignorant and at risk.

  7. Every gun that is not in use should be unloaded, and locked up.

    But a gun that is being kept ready for defense against home invasion or assault is in use.

  8. Uncle Lar, there are actually between 600 and 750 million firearms in America.

    The BATFAE has been lying for at least 42 years with regard to firearms ownership.

    In California, there are nearly one million so-called assault weapons, less than 100k of them are know to the government there. (I lived there for 14 years, 92-05)

  9. Ironic that doctors kill more people every year than those killed by guns.

  10. Just remembered that doctors' organizations want additional taxes on guns and ammunition, so we can "help society pay" for the medical care to heal the damage wrought by our insistence on "owning machines of death."
    That would mosly be urban hospitals where the survivors of the gang wars are dropped off anonymously.
    Well... Obamacare will decide what these doctors are paid, probably on the British model; flat rate for everything, experienced specialists paid like interns, reduced to working-class blokes, white-coated technicians. They voted for him.
    O has already told the insurance companies, who are going to take it in the shorts, that they had better not raise premiums to keep their profits up or they may find themselves out of the club.

  11. This physician and many of my colleagues do not agree with Dr. Gittleman or his ilk. Of note, we all work in a Children's Hospital. As with many other groups, we are not homogeneous. This tool is merely a shill for the anti-gunners and since he fits the standard narrative of the main stream media, he gets exposure.

    Don't worry, many of us have your back...


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