Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fiorina Supports the Terror Pig Loophole!

The Brady Campaign said it.

I believe it.

That settles it.


  1. The Brady Pro-violence Campaign doesn't seem to realize that the sort of propaganda represented by that "sell guns to terrorists" release works to our advantage to assist us in eliminating all gun control law.

    The Brady Campaign, et al, are one of our best weapons. I, for one, hope they never stop.

  2. First time I've heard the phrase "terror gap."
    Which side of that gap is Donald Trump on, for instance? He carries, as we learned in the "Shooting Stars" article yesterday.
    Mohammad Atta, leader of the 9/11 hijackers? I never heard of him being interested in guns at all, just planes.
    Don't let them sway you, Ms. Fiorina. Alaska has it right. Some of the last Real Americans are proud to live there.

  3. I wonder if Ted Kennedy bought one of those 1100 guns or explosive devices. He was on the "No Fly" list, which is one those terrorist watch lists, isn't it?


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