Monday, September 27, 2010

GRE Round Up for September 27

Here's the latest from my fellow GREs:

Mike Stollenwerk/DC:
Liston Matthews/Knoxville:
John Pierce/Minneapolis:
Dave Workman/Seattle:

 Also check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

1 comment:

  1. Michael Gilson9/28/2010 10:46 AM

    It looks like they've fixed the problem with sharing since the examiner revamp, I've been back to Digging for a while now and it is actually easier than it was before the revamp. However, I'm almost always the first to Digg the story, even if I've been unable to access the site for a day or two. I don't know if this is because other Diggers haven't come back after that huge mess during the revamp or because they are instead using some of the huge number of other sharing sites that are now available. If it is the former, come on back the Digging is fine.


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