Thursday, September 09, 2010

Inventory Tracking

The FBI and other police agencies don't need a search warrant to track the locations of Americans' cell phones, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday in a precedent-setting decision. [More]
Well of course not.

Why wouldn't they be able to keep tabs on their chattel?

Life sure will be a lot simpler once we get those implants.

[Via William T]


  1. To paraphrase that German guy, requiring warrants doesn't serve the State.
    BTW, your phone continues to ping cell towers even when it's off. Take the battery out.

  2. Yahoo! news has a hypothetical. Say flu shots are made mandatory. Say you work in health care and your job depends on getting the shot, even though sometimes the shot makes people seriously ill. What do you do?
    If you agree to the shot despite your principles, what other conditions might employers mandate as a condition of working for them?
    Good thoughtful questions, with the economy the way it is and employers having the luxury of being VERY picky and demanding.

  3. I pity but have no sympathy with those poor lemmings who posted comments denigrating opposition to location tracking with the statement, "You have nothing to fear if you're not doing anything wrong." How soon we forget!!


  4. "BTW, your phone continues to ping cell towers even when it's off. Take the battery out."

    Build Faraday Cage into your car's glove box.

  5. Or just get a faraday bag.

  6. I've been doing some jack bauer 24 gear research online when I stumble on this post. I see two opposing points here--privacy and security.The privacy of one versus the security of many. As long as this one is implemented well, I go for it.

  7. Go for This. There is something the FBI and other police agencies need to bring. Lunch.

  8. It always starts out voluntary, Bill. Harmless. Like Star of David patches on outer clothing.
    I was listening with one ear to Robin Meade's morning news program. Somewhere a high school is using microchips to track students in the building. Not implanted, they're careful to point out, but in their clothes.
    She appears to be talking about this:

  9. From the microchip article: "In 2007, California became one of the first states to ban forced implantation of microchips under a person's skin. Yet a year later, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed Senate Bill 29 that would have blocked the use of microchips and other radio-frequency identification technology in schools."

  10. re: forced vaccination I have to agree with Badnarik "You bring your syringe, I'll bring my .45 and we'll see who makes the bigger hole."
    BTW I am a RN with public health nurse licensure.


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